Modme Forums

Inventory and Crafting system

Game Asset Reversing | Releases


Thread By: Matarra
Hey guys, this is a script i wasn't so sure if i wanted to release but here it is. It's a shared inventory for all players and has a limitation of 20 items at one time due to hud elem limits. I'm not really gonna go into too much detail on how to set it up as its fairly straightforward and i kinda just wanted to release it. Here's a vid of it

Kingdom Hearts menu sounds are obviously optional


Reply By: CrossFire
Why not start development on a game instead of spending it on bo3? lol if you are able to do this in bo3 im sure it wouldnt be too hard to do something similar in unity or unreal.


Reply By: Matarra

Why not start development on a game instead of spending it on bo3? lol if you are able to do this in bo3 im sure it wouldnt be too hard to do something similar in unity or unreal.

I struggle with anything art related, like i cant even draw 2d sprites. I have been messing around in unity a bit tho


Reply By: Abnormal202
Thank you so much for this! I've never been good at HUD scripting and I feel this could really help me get better at it. Thanks for releasing your script.