Game Asset Reversing | Releases
Thread By: MJPW
Hi there! Recently I made a mod with the ZC Zombie sounds and I was requested to release the pack so
everyone can change up the Zombie sounds too!
Im really looking forward to how you will make the Zombies sound in your future maps!
You don't have to credit me all I ask is if you have a Twitter please link me your project once they are
released so I can check it out!
Best wishes,
- MJPWGaming
- DTZxPorter - Wraith and Sound Alias names
- TZ Ghosts - Tester
- Activision / Treyarch - Audio Assets
Reply By: ZeRoY
Hi there! Recently I made a mod with the ZC Zombie sounds and I was requested to release the pack so everyone can change up the Zombie sounds too! Im really looking forward to how you will make the Zombies sound in your future maps! You don't have to credit me all I ask is if you have a Twitter please link me your project once they are released so I can check it out! Best wishes,- MJPWGaming Credits- DTZxPorter - Wraith and Sound Alias names- TZ Ghosts - Tester- Activision / Treyarch - Audio Assets
Reply By: Fil he Modder
cheers man, i've been looking for that :D
Reply By: D-2-K
Cheers mate
hey man, noticed in the instructions.txt that there is a comma missing where u put the example of what we should put in the szc file:
"Type" : "ALIAS",
"Name" : "user_aliases_dlc5zvox",
"Filename" : "user_aliases_dlc5zvox.csv",
"Specs" : [ ]