Modme Forums

D & D Buried Models

Game Asset Reversing | Releases


Thread By: Tjmoney030589
Hello Everyone,

I am releasing the models I ported for my new map Ghosttown. This is the models from BO2 Buried, hope you all enjoy.

Also, I am working on converting models from every map into packs. So if there is a certain map you guys would like just let me know and time willing I'll have them out soon.

Google Drive:


Reply By: iAr7uRo


Thanks for the models with that I think I can detail my map more, but I think it would be better if the files upload them in .RAR or .ZIP created by you. Because as you put it in the folder by MEGA it is slower to download. Because MEGA creates the .zip file and then starts downloading but one by one of all the assets. :c

Even so thank you very much men. :D


Reply By: XxRaPiDK3LLERxX
Nice you've got a win for me :)
I'd also recommend using that download button format to make it easier for people to view the link instead of copy and paste - it'll be on the second row when you edit your post.


Reply By: iAr7uRo


Upload the file better to google drive please :(


Reply By: Tjmoney030589
Google Drive has been added as a download option and all downloads are in rar format for easier download!!! :)


Reply By: iAr7uRo

Google Drive has been added as a download option and all downloads are in rar format for easier download!!! :)

Thank you friend, I appreciate it.


Reply By: VerK0
Could you possibly to a pack of TranZit or Nuketown? :P


Reply By: Tjmoney030589
I'm working on tranzit models. Hopefully, I'll have them out in a couple weeks. Really just depends on how my schedule is lol...


Reply By: Tjmoney030589
Dropbox has been added as a download option!!! :)


Reply By: PlutoBro
I've used some models but none have bullet collision?


Reply By: Tjmoney030589
Yes I know, I'm sorry I didn't realize that at first and I haven't had time to go back and fix them in APE.


Reply By: ZeRoY
Had a quick glance, still a lot of TGA in there and some green maps too - ideally BO2 model need to have AO created also. Less problematic is lack of LODs


Reply By: Tjmoney030589
Hey Zeroy, I just started modding June 2017 so I'm still pretty wet behind the ears when it comes to the lingo lol
I really want to learn all aspects of modding because I enjoy it so much, so could you or someone else explain what those things are? These were the first models I ever did all help would be appreciated. I also sent you a private message but I'm not sure if it went through. Thanks for any help :)