Modme Forums

TGC Mod Template (Easy to make mods for ZM & MP)

Game Asset Reversing | Releases


Thread By: TrueGamerCalls
<h1 style="text-align:justify;">TGC Mod Template 2.0</h1>

<h1 style="text-align:left;">This template automatically creates working Scripts & Sounds with a mod</h1>

<hr><h1 style="text-align:left;">How to use </h1>
<h2 style="text-align:left;">-Click New
-Name your mod to your choice (Don't start the mod name with a number, ex: 2yes as a name won't work)
-Click the dropdown next to "template"
-Select "TGC's Mod Template 2.0"
-Create (and enjoy) </h2>
<h2 style="text-align:left;"> </h2>
<h2 style="text-align:left;">You may credit me as TrueGamerCalls if you use this template!</h2>
<hr><h1 style="text-align:left;">FAQ (If you're confused)</h1>
<h3 style="text-align:left;"> </h3>
<h2 style="text-align:left;">1. How to add sounds?
Add sounds through your user_alias or any other alias thats linked through the .szc</h2>
<h2 style="text-align:left;">
2. How to script?</h2>
<h2 style="text-align:left;">Script using the GSC and CSC included</h2>
<h3 style="text-align:left;"> </h3>
<hr><h1 style="text-align:left;">Download</h1>

Version 2.0 (May 25th, 2018)


Reply By: Harry Bo21

neither of these should be there...

nor should this

thats literally your compiled mod included in the download - which will be overwritten when the user "links" - it being there serves only to bloat the file size for the download

that csc isnt being called at all...


Reply By: TrueGamerCalls

Harry Bo21
neither of these should be there...nor should thisthats literally your compiled mod included in the download - which will be overwritten when the user "links" - it being there serves only to bloat the file size for the download that csc isnt being called at all...


<h1>Update 1.1 Released! </h1>

<h2>-Fixed CSC not linking</h2>
<h2>-Removed "English" and "Zone" folder which caused a big file size.


Reply By: Harry Bo21

Harry Bo21 neither of these should be there...nor should thisthats literally your compiled mod included in the download - which will be overwritten when the user "links" - it being there serves only to bloat the file size for the download that csc isnt being called at all... Thanks! Update 1.1 Released! -Fixed CSC not linking -Organization -Removed "English" and "Zone" folder which caused a big file size.

there was "3" folders that shouldnt have been there, not 2


Reply By: Harry Bo21

Harry Bo21 neither of these should be there...nor should thisthats literally your compiled mod included in the download - which will be overwritten when the user "links" - it being there serves only to bloat the file size for the download that csc isnt being called at all... Thanks! Update 1.1 Released! -Fixed CSC not linking -Organization -Removed "English" and "Zone" folder which caused a big file size.

there was "3" folders that shouldnt have been there, not 2


Reply By: TrueGamerCalls
<h1>Update 2.0 Released! </h1>
<h1>(Mods, if you're reading, please remove MP from my title)</h1>

I'm so sorry for the long break! Many issues and things we're fixed though.

<strong style="color:#ffffff;">- GSC and CSC's will now [/B]properly<strong style="color:#ffffff;"> work[/B]</strong></strong>
<strong style="color:#ffffff;"> [/B]</strong>
<strong style="color:#ffffff;">- Starting weapon, points, and etc will come with the GSC script! [/B]</strong>

<strong style="color:#ffffff;">- This template will no longer support MP!!!!!!!![/B]</strong>

<strong style="color:#ffffff;">- All of the zm_mapname_weapons.csv files come built with the mod, allowing easy box modifications[/B]</strong>

<strong style="color:#ffffff;">- Certain [/B]unnecessary<strong style="color:#ffffff;"> files were removed[/B]</strong></strong>

<strong style="color:#ffffff;">- Prob more changes that I can't remember.[/B]</strong>