Game Asset Reversing | Releases
Thread By: Scobalula
This will allow you to add the The Giant's voices into your Call of Duty: Black Ops III Map.
Download (make sure to download BOTH):
Audio Files (Updated 13/May/2018):
String Tables, Power Script, and Aliases (Updated 13/May/2018):
"Type" : "ALIAS",
"Name" : "zm_factory_vox",
"Filename" : "zm_factory_vox.csv",
"Specs" : [ ]
level thread zm_zonemgr::manage_zones( init_zones );
level thread add_zm_vox();
function add_zm_vox()
Call of Duty Black Ops III\share\raw\scripts\zm\_zm_power.gsc
Call of Duty Black Ops III\usermaps\zm_map_name\scripts\zm
#using scripts\shared\util_shared;
#using scripts\zm\_zm_audio;
// Power On
self SetHintString( &"ZOMBIE_ELECTRIC_SWITCH" );
self SetVisibleToAll();
self waittill( "trigger", user );
self SetInvisibleToAll();
user util::delay(3, undefined, &zm_audio::create_and_play_dialog, "general", "power_on" );
Call of Duty Black Ops III\zone_source\all\assetlist
// scriptparsetree,scripts/zm/_zm_power.gsc
Reply By: The Black Death
guns guns guns
Reply By: Psh
how do i instal
// Psh Edit: not working with windows XP :(
Reply By: Scobalula
how do i instal // Psh Edit: not working with windows XP :(
Reply By: GalaxyKitten
Step 5 provides an error with the line I need to add (an unrecoverable error)
Sorry if this ain't helpful, but maybe the instructions may of been wrong or a mistype? So I remove it, great, it compiles with some errors, and worse yet, no audio from the giant is added wasting a bunch of time.
Reply By: Scobalula
Step 5 provides an error with the line I need to add (an unrecoverable error) Sorry if this ain't helpful, but maybe the instructions may of been wrong or a mistype? So I remove it, great, it compiles with some errors, and worse yet, no audio from the giant is added wasting a bunch of time.
Reply By: GalaxyKitten
GalaxyKitten Step 5 provides an error with the line I need to add (an unrecoverable error) Sorry if this ain't helpful, but maybe the instructions may of been wrong or a mistype? So I remove it, great, it compiles with some errors, and worse yet, no audio from the giant is added wasting a bunch of time. Can't do anything without the error you got, this has been used my multiple people with success, just like the SOE voices. Sorry for wasting your time by providing content for you to use in your projects. There very well may be a mistype in the post but I imagine most people are competent enough to fix it themselves hence why no reports, but without a specific error from linker, I cannot help you. It might be best to provide your edited power script too so I can see where you or I went wrong.
Reply By: Scobalula
This has now been rectified in the original post, the script to include was not audio_shared but _zm_audio;, I imagine most people jumped to the included pre-edited script so it never caused an issue for most people. Thank you for the report.
do you also have the origins edition of this?
it says i need some sort of a sound converter
gamer rage:
How do you get the spawn quotes to work, like the field reports? None of them work for me
The String Tables, Power Script, and Aliases says this when I go to download it:
The file you are trying to download is no longer available.
This could be due to the following reasons:
The file has been removed because of a ToS/AUP violation.
Invalid URL - the link you are trying to access does not exist
The file has been deleted by the user.
I am very excited to incorporate this voice pack into my map, but this is a roadblock that I have run into, that I don't know how to move. I thought about re-scripting the whole pack but I honestly have no idea how to do that. I did check out the sound files and they are awesome, great work! I was wondering if anyone could help me out, thank you.