Thread By: Dick_Nixon Hey all! seems like I've had all this stuff for a good long while, and not really put it to any good use, so here it is for public consumption. this post will be updated fairly infrequently with random things that I've had(weapons, scripts, characters, sound aliases, etc.) that I feel like the community could get a good amount of use. all credits are due for whatever you feel like picking up from here, so I've listed the appropriate credits per section. Happy Modding.
Majority of my assets may use materials/models shared with the Mod Tools extra assets DLC, so it's highly recommended that you have the extra assets.
CHARACTERS common assets Download T5 Crews(BO1 Ultimus, CoTD crew, and Five crew) DownloadT6 Crews(MoTD crew, and Victus crew(version of stuhlinger featured in the pack is from buried))
Download CREDITS FOR CHARACTERS The Indestructable Mike Pence DTZxPorter - wraith Scobalula/ray1235 - codmayatools Collie - general consulting/original method Lucas - character renders for MoTD, CoTD, and Five
AI Avogadro - As He Appears in Bus Depot Reimagined. Download
Elemental Zombies(reminiscent of Tag der Toten) Download
Miscelanious Zombie Cleanup Manager. Download Shi No Numa music EE Download Rain and Lightning FX Download CREDITS FOR SCRIPTS The Indestructable Mike Pence Scobalula - HydraX for sound aliases, Greyhound for asset and Epstein Cell Video ripping. Ardivee- Original script for Rain(and by that, I mean literally all of the OG rain script was done by him, same with the lightning, so massive credit to him) DTZxPorter - wraith
Reply By: ZeRoY nice! Thanks!
Reply By: TrueGamerCalls Awesome! You should post some of your older stuff here (BO3 Player Models and zombie models), by chance are you gonna publicly release the victus crew? Its understandable if the answer is no.
Reply By: Dick_Nixon
TrueGamerCalls Awesome! You should post some of your older stuff here (BO3 Player Models and zombie models), by chance are you gonna publicly release the victus crew? Its understandable if the answer is no.
Victus crew is next on my agenda, since i'm releasing them on a game-by-game basis, so expect the MoTD crew, Victus crew, and all 4 grief characters within the next release. as for zombie models, I've not done any that i'm proud enough of to release publically, so you're gonna have to rely on Erthrock for those.
Reply By: Dick_Nixon UPDATE : Added MoTD and Victus crews to the page, fixed some typos in the t5 crew pack.
Reply By: TrueGamerCalls You should mention that you need to add this to your zone.
Reply By: Dick_Nixon UPDATE : Added missing models for Finn O'Leary, Fixed Player Image errors, clarified install instructions.
Reply By: KillJoyYT absolutely mad lad
good job
Reply By: Dick_Nixon Added Rain/Lightning FX to the post. serious thanks to ZeRoY and RDV for the OG script
this is sick but idk what to put in the charadcter customization thing...
Can't get the avogadro to spawn., i stamped the prefabs and turned the power on (just in case) but even after round 25 still doesn't spawn.... any help?
Can't get the avogadro to spawn., i stamped the prefabs and turned the power on (just in case) but even after round 25 still doesn't spawn.... any help?
fixed your issue in the modme discord, you just didn't have the spawn struct entirely within the zone... as the instructions clearly state you must do.
fixed your issue in the modme discord, you just didn't have the spawn struct entirely within the zone... as the instructions clearly state you must do.
Hahahhhahaha yea
Thank You
Whats Elemantal Zombies?
Whats Elemantal Zombies?
Same concept as an elemental bow.
Whats Elemantal Zombies?
Zombies with fire or electricity They explode when die
MKD Joker:
Same concept as an elemental bow.
do you know how if I only want to spawn them in during a mini boss wave or boss fight script?
Try this: 1. Install as usual 2. Once is working, go to the file "_zm_elemental_zombies.gsc" in your map folder 3. Remove "autoexec" from this function:
4. Then go to the part of your script you want them to spawn and add this:
5. Compile and see if works (didn't test it)
Zombies with fire or electricity They explode when die
ok thanks :)
MKD Joker:
Try this: 1. Install as usual 2. Once is working, go to the file "_zm_elemental_zombies.gsc" in your map folder 3. Remove "autoexec" from this function:
4. Then go to the part of your script you want them to spawn and add this:
5. Compile and see if works (didn't test it)
Awesome, Thank you I'll try it today to see if it works.
MKD Joker:
Try this: 1. Install as usual 2. Once is working, go to the file "_zm_elemental_zombies.gsc" in your map folder 3. Remove "autoexec" from this function:
4. Then go to the part of your script you want them to spawn and add this:
5. Compile and see if works (didn't test it)
hey I tried this and It doesn't seem to work, because It just modifies the normal zombies and I want there to be only those elemental zombies. I tried looking for some sort of manual spawning so I could put It in a for loop but I couldn't find that either.
hey I tried this and It doesn't seem to work, because It just modifies the normal zombies and I want there to be only those elemental zombies. I tried looking for some sort of manual spawning so I could put It in a for loop but I couldn't find that either.
Yeah, you need to modify the script in some way Maybe adding a condition or loop in this place?
I'm not very good at scripting so I'm not sure what to do
MKD Joker:
Yeah, you need to modify the script in some way Maybe adding a condition or loop in this place?
I'm not very good at scripting so I'm not sure what to do
Yea I was thinking of making the elemental zombies spawn 100% of the time but only enable them during the boss fight while I do infinite zombies till the boss fight is over. do you know how to do infinite zombies without the round going up and up continuously?
Yea I was thinking of making the elemental zombies spawn 100% of the time but only enable them during the boss fight while I do infinite zombies till the boss fight is over. do you know how to do infinite zombies without the round going up and up continuously?
Install as usual, then go to the ugx script and remove "autoexec" from the first function Then put this in your script after the fight start instead of the Main
And done, zombies will spawn all the time after that
Install as usual, then go to the ugx script and remove "autoexec" from the first function Then put this in your script after the fight start instead of the Main
And done, zombies will spawn all the time after that
Awesome! thx I will try that
UPDATED TO ADD ZOMBIE CLEANUP MANAGER Script is meant mainly to get zombies to spawn/stay closer to players like in stock 3arc maps as well as adding a couple functions for invalid targets/if the zombie is stuck
to impliment it just add this line to your map's GSC file #using scripts\zm\zm_zmhd_cleanup_mgr;
and this to your map's zone file. scriptparsetree,scripts/zm/zm_zmhd_cleanup_mgr.gsc
So what actually is the Zombie Cleanup Manager?
So what actually is the Zombie Cleanup Manager?
Its when youre too away from the Zombies. Its good on Tower maps or Maze maps, or the maps you teleport/jump-pad to another place, and all zombies will respawn close to you.
How to spawn Avokadro by this func: > boss = zm_cellbreaker::spawn_brutus(500000); ?
>> avogadro = zombie_utility::spawn_zombie( level.avogadro_spawners[0] ); Thats the onlyspawn-script I see in Avokadro.gsc. But the #namespace is zm_ai_avogadro; :/ So how to spawn him as a Boss?
How to spawn Avokadro by this func: > boss = zm_cellbreaker::spawn_brutus(500000); ?
>> avogadro = zombie_utility::spawn_zombie( level.avogadro_spawners[0] ); Thats the onlyspawn-script I see in Avokadro.gsc. But the #namespace is zm_ai_avogadro; :/ So how to spawn him as a Boss?
all you have to do is thread zm_ai_avogadro::avogadro_spawn(); and it'll spawn an avogadro automatically
Yea I was thinking of making the elemental zombies spawn 100% of the time but only enable them during the boss fight while I do infinite zombies till the boss fight is over. do you know how to do infinite zombies without the round going up and up continuously?
I just changed spawn_chance = 0; > spawn_chance = 1; And removed all the [if] [else] so now its just:
spawn_chance = 1; if(spawn_chance) { if( IsDefined( level.zombie_spawners ) ) { >>>>> And everything under this func.
This make 50% so it will not be 100% but every other will always explode in death :)
all you have to do is thread zm_ai_avogadro::avogadro_spawn(); and it'll spawn an avogadro automatically
boss = zm_ai_avogadro::avogadro_spawn(300000); > >>> **** Unresolved external "avogadro_spawn" with 1 parameters in "scripts/zm/zm_lip_sandbox_v28.gsc" ****
:/ Need to make this as a Boss, with Healthbar by this func: thread progress_bar_init(boss);
boss = zm_ai_avogadro::avogadro_spawn(300000); > >>> **** Unresolved external "avogadro_spawn" with 1 parameters in "scripts/zm/zm_lip_sandbox_v28.gsc" ****
:/ Need to make this as a Boss, with Healthbar by this func: thread progress_bar_init(boss);
it won't work like that, the spawn function isn't looking for anything inside the parentheses, it's all taken care of inside of the spawn function itself. the original line i send you does what you need with spawning him, but i don't know what you mean by "make this as a boss". i can only assume you're trying to spawn it with 300000 health, and thread the progress bar thing to show some health bar, but the avogadro wasn't made with that in mind. you'd need to make quite a few changes for that to work. He was made for Bus Depot to function identically to the original Avogadro, only with the new BO4 quotes, so other than that i'm really not sure exactly what you're asking for.
it won't work like that, the spawn function isn't looking for anything inside the parentheses, it's all taken care of inside of the spawn function itself. the original line i send you does what you need with spawning him, but i don't know what you mean by "make this as a boss". i can only assume you're trying to spawn it with 300000 health, and thread the progress bar thing to show some health bar, but the avogadro wasn't made with that in mind. you'd need to make quite a few changes for that to work. He was made for Bus Depot to function identically to the original Avogadro, only with the new BO4 quotes, so other than that i'm really not sure exactly what you're asking for.
I MADE IT!!! I put in my health bar in his own script!!! Now I got an Awesome Boss-Fight in my Fist-Fight-Map :D
I MADE IT!!! I put in my health bar in his own script!!! Now I got an Awesome Boss-Fight in my Fist-Fight-Map :D
Hey that's awesomeeee Any chance I can ask you for that? o_O I'm planning doing a boss fight too