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Thread By: VerK0

Redone my LUT pack.



Drag & drop zip contents (excluding the .txt) into your Black Ops 3 Root.
In Radiant with nothing selected goto your Entity Browser and replace the lutmaterial with one of the ones from the .txt file.
Once you're happy with the one selected, open your .zone and replace the default lutmaterial with the new one.





Reply By: TheJaguarPlays
I'm probably gonna sound really dumb, but could I ask what this is for exactly or what is does or how it works. I think by the looks it has to do with the coloring of the lights or like the map but I'm not sure what it exactly does. Could you explain that to me?


Reply By: Rugrats

I'm probably gonna sound really dumb, but could I ask what this is for exactly or what is does or how it works. I think by the looks it has to do with the coloring of the lights or like the map but I'm not sure what it exactly does. Could you explain that to me?

watch the ice grenade tutorial it teaches you everything you need to know


Reply By: VerK0

I'm probably gonna sound really dumb, but could I ask what this is for exactly or what is does or how it works. I think by the looks it has to do with the coloring of the lights or like the map but I'm not sure what it exactly does. Could you explain that to me?

Here's a quick video that goes over what LUTs are in the first half of the video.

To use:
Drag and drop the contents (excluding the .txt) of the zip/rar into your Black Ops 3 root. Open your map in Radiant, and with nothing selected open the entity browser and change the lutmaterial to one of the names in the .txt.


Reply By: eDeK
Cool pack dude, thanks for share.