Game Asset Reversing | Releases
Thread By: mikey
I just stumbled upon this tool and it WORKS WONDERFUL! It is kinda like Wrath BUT only for the D3DBSP FILE! Unlike 3d rippers etc, it translate the geo from memory into a obj file, pared with my tool (OBJ TO .MAP) you can recreate any map from ANY COD with 1 to 1 accuracy. The BSP decompiler also spits out a map file with all the static model locations so you can open it in Radiant as a prefab.
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<h3>Supported Games</h3>
Reply By: kingkenny
thanks for sharing!
Reply By: mathfag
you can recreate any map from ANY COD with 1 to 1 accuracy. The BSP decompiler also spits out a map file with all the static model locations so you can open it in Radiant as a prefab.
Reply By: mikey
you can recreate any map from ANY COD with 1 to 1 accuracy. The BSP decompiler also spits out a map file with all the static model locations so you can open it in Radiant as a prefab. How to get sued 101
Reply By: MrTombone8
mathfag you can recreate any map from ANY COD with 1 to 1 accuracy. The BSP decompiler also spits out a map file with all the static model locations so you can open it in Radiant as a prefab. How to get sued 101 Who is going to get sued buddy? Nobody, get off your little high horse thinking that Activision is going to sue some random guy. If that the case, this site would have been shut down a long time ago. Activision doesn't care. You know nothing.
Reply By: mathfag
mathfag you can recreate any map from ANY COD with 1 to 1 accuracy. The BSP decompiler also spits out a map file with all the static model locations so you can open it in Radiant as a prefab. How to get sued 101 Who is going to get sued buddy? Nobody, get off your little high horse thinking that Activision is going to sue some random guy. If that the case, this site would have been shut down a long time ago. Activision doesn't care. You know nothing.
Reply By: mikey
mikey mathfag you can recreate any map from ANY COD with 1 to 1 accuracy. The BSP decompiler also spits out a map file with all the static model locations so you can open it in Radiant as a prefab. How to get sued 101 Who is going to get sued buddy? Nobody, get off your little high horse thinking that Activision is going to sue some random guy. If that the case, this site would have been shut down a long time ago. Activision doesn't care. You know nothing. Activision had a problem with a guy posting the entity files (what hydra rips), what the hell makes you think they won't go apeshit when someone releases a map they charge 15$ for? With the tools we have on this site we're capable of literally ripping a map and uploading it. As for this site being still up, (I don't know for sure so don't give me hell for this) I believe that treyarch owns all the assets while activision owns the completed game therefore they can't do anything about stuff here although they made a DMCA takedown on a dev. If anyone is gonna get sued over assets on this site it's gonna be Porter (or whoever owns the site now). He is ultimately responsible for what goes on here even though the rules say you are. As for remasters of maps: Yes they can fuck you over for those. I'm no lawyer or know much about legal stuff.
Reply By: kingkenny
They dont care bud, they wont spend tens of thousands of dollars in lawyer fees to attack a modder who released a remade map.
Reply By: Scobalula
I'm no lawyer or know much about legal stuff.