Game Modding | Call of Duty: World at War | Scripting
Thread By: mapmaker12
I was wondering if someone could help me with a script for constant round change, like on a timer. I would like it to be exactly like in Octogonal Ascension. I believe it is called 'timed gameplay'. The time between rounds gets longer and longer(as the rounds go on). It needs to beexactly like Octogonal Ascension. Thanks for all of your help. I will credit anyone that helps. Also, if you could make a script to make the zombies to run faster. Hope this is not too much to ask. Thanks. :)
Reply By: Harry Bo21
level thread zm_utility::zombie_goto_round( n_round );
this code will advance to whatever round you like, however
a - the round you skip to - is the round "1 under" the passed result, eg pass 22 as "n_round" will skip you to round 21
b - doesnt seem to handle updating the zombies run speed, simple fix to that tho, just pointing out it doesnt natively do it
Reply By: Harry Bo21
#using scripts\zm\_zm_utility;
remember to add that too
Reply By: mapmaker12
Harry Bo21
level thread zm_utility::zombie_goto_round( n_round ); this code will advance to whatever round you like, howevera - the round you skip to - is the round "1 under" the passed result, eg pass 22 as "n_round" will skip you to round 21b - doesnt seem to handle updating the zombies run speed, simple fix to that tho, just pointing out it doesnt natively do it
Reply By: Dedrix
Just follow this tutorial here, pretty sure this is what you're looking for...
Reply By: mapmaker12
This is exactly what I was looking for. Thanks so much. :)