Modme Forums

Looking for people to help on a map

Game Modding | Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 | Radiant


I'm currently making a map called " Oculinum " i'm looking for people to help work on parts of the map , currently i've got as far the middle floor area

There's alot to be done i'm fairly new to all of the custom zombies mapping , but am wanting / trying to bring a map as good i'm able to.

Currently there is one area to the map witch is the middle floor that houses a { Kitchen , Living space , 3 holes in walls and 4 hall ways ,
zombie spawn's , there are currently 3 set for the middle floor they are housed in { 1x Living space , 1x Stairs and 1x hall way of kitchen }

i'm looking for a few people who see something in what i'm currently trying to make & want to contribute towards the project. There is 3 things waiting for the map layout to be finished these are the following
{ Office , Bedroom & basement } currently in this moment of time i don't know what i'm wanting them to look like there are to follow the same style to middle floor.
But with office have a pristine look to it witch will contain pack a punch {" Maybe"}

feel free to contact me i'm in the Modme Discord along with mainly most of the mapping discords

Thank you for reading
feel free to leave feedback of the map on the post to help further help me