Modme Forums

Black Ops 4 Models

Game Modding | Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 | Models & Animation


If you have any special model on Black Ops 4 that you need let me know


Hi thant's awesome! :D
CanI ask you a port from a playermodel like Scarlett or only static models?


any or all vehicles would be great please bud ran out of hdd space to use greyhound properly myself should have that rectified after the summer :)


Hi thant's awesome! :D
CanI ask you a port from a playermodel like Scarlett or only static models?

Yes you can, you can also ask the mutliplayer models with special skins too


Yes you can, you can also ask the mutliplayer models with special skins too

You're a legend :D
I'm making a new map and I would like to use Scarlett from Voyage or Ancient Evil
Can you make the port please? 😌


Can you port Outrider and Reaper plzzzzzzzz.


Can you port Scarlett from Voyage and Zero from Multiplayer in their default outfit? Please 😁


If you have any special model on Black Ops 4 that you need let me know

Do you think you could get playermodels for Recon, Ruin, Battery and Spectre?


Can I request porting because I need a zombie model from blood of the dead?


May I ask you a port of the Billiards table from Dead of the night?


Can you please port the werewolf from dead of the night?


Does anyone have a list for all the generic xmodels that are really long numbers so that I can figure out what models they really are?