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Apex Legends Bunker - v1.2 RE-UPLOADED to steam

Game Modding | Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 | General Discussion


Hello everyone. Here is a preview of the 2nd map I've ever made, which will be the first map I release. It is modeled after The Bunker from Apex Legends and includes some textures ripped right out of Apex, and in the future will have models from Apex Legends, possibly including character models.


Update: 8/31/19


update: 8/31/19 part 2 The interior still needs work for sure....


A map definitely I'll like to play. Great work and I'm looking forward to it 👏


update: 8/31/19 part 2 The interior still needs work for sure....

Here's my 2 cents for whatever it's worth.. Map wise, I think it looks great. I do think the textures look a bit flat, so maybe need to generate some new normals (Pixplant is a good program that will also do specular and occlusion).
I think the ground textures need to be made bigger in APE if it's a 512x512 texture, you should scale it up. Instead of AUTO\AUTO, you select 2048\2048, then reapply the texture. It will look less tiled.

Also, as a side note, be careful about going cross franchise with EA games. Several people have already had cease and desists from EA lawyers concerning ripping of assets and putting them into other engines.


...Also, as a side note, be careful about going cross franchise with EA games. Several people have already had cease and desists from EA lawyers concerning ripping of assets and putting them into other engines.

Well that is less than desirable lol...What a bunch of party-poopers. Thanks for the heads up. Also thanks for the constructive criticism, most or all of the textures are 1024X1024. Going to experiment with and change some of them for sure by the time the map is ready. So far I've only put < 30hrs time into it.


Temporarily uploaded map in its WIP state since Apex Legends is having its own zombie mode. If you wanna check out what I have done so far, heres a link:

Apex Bunker Zombies WIP


UPDATED 1/7/2020: Updated this map with a few bug fixes and minor adjustments on 1/7/2020. I wish I knew how to make this model into a player model and or zombie model! But I can't find out much about how or seem to get any help. But if I can figure out how to advance from here, and after getting the xmodels for a few other characters, I will hopefully get them into the map with some as players and some as enemy ai. I hoped to have more work put into this map and have more places for everyone to explore, but I have been busy and am just getting back into it and starting on the tunnel nearby "Artillery" and will then set up teleporters to that area.