Game Modding | Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 | Scripting
//////////////////////////////////// ///// SCRIPT BY XSPICIOUS ///// ////////////////////////////////////
Activate a trigger to start round 1.
============ INSTRUCTIONS ============
Open mapname.gsc in your main function at the top add this line
Now add this function to the bottom of your mapname.gsc
functionstartGame(){trig=GetEnt("start_game","targetname");// this is the trigger_use targetname in radianttrigSetCursorHint("HINT_NOICON");trigSetHintString("Press ^3[{+activate}]^7 to start the game!");// you can edit the text inside the "" to make it say what you wanttrigwaittill("trigger",player);PlaySoundAtPosition("mpl_plr_emp_activate",(trig.origin));// add any sound alias name you want for your activate soundtrigDelete();}
============= RADIANT SETUP =============
You can use the prefab from the download or just make your own
Get a trigger_use and give it this kvp - targetname | start_game
That is all you need to do. Make sure that trigger is in an area players can get to from the start to activate it or else round 1 will never start. Thanks for checking this out if you use it please give a small credit
If you have any questions please feel free to ask!
Credits: Xspicious Ardivee
That's brilliant. Will be a welcomed item to a lot of maps I am sure. Especially ones that are quite good to look at in the start. Or even as something slightly hidden to start the game.
Good work.
If i make it a shootable trigger with the same target name would that work also?
If i make it a shootable trigger with the same target name would that work also?
Yo I am Xspicious, I re-branded so my name is different now. Yes you can use pretty much any trigger you want. I have changed the script just a tiny bit. The setup for the script is exactly the same as I said above, but in Radiant if you want a model to delete once you press it. Make a script_model or a script_brushmodel and then select the trigger FIRST then select the model/brushmodel and press W. That is all for Radiant. Also if you know how to make game objects move or something like that could could change e_model Delete(); in the script to what ever you would want it to do. So I guess who ever reads the comments will get the better version lol
functionstartGame(){e_trig=GetEnt("start_game_trigger","targetname");e_model=GetEnt(self.tartget,"targetname");e_trigSetCursorHint("HINT_NOICON");e_trigUseTriggerRequireLookAt();e_trigSetHintString("Press ^3[{+activate}]^7 to activate");// Edit this to whatever you want inside of the " "player=GetPlayers();for(i=0;i<player.size;i++){player[i]PlayLoopSound("zmb_bgb_nysm_loop");// must comment if you are not using a looping sound. Could also change it to PlayLocalSound for a nonlooping sounds.e_trigwaittill("trigger");player[i]StopLoopSound();// must comment if you are not using a looping sounde_trigPlaySound("zmb_bgb_round_robbin");}e_modelDelete();// comment this line if you don't want the model to delete.e_trigDelete();}
Also you can use a trigger_multiple and set script_trigger_allplayers to true - then once all players touch it at the same time it will activate.
Yo I am Xspicious, I re-branded so my name is different now. Yes you can use pretty much any trigger you want. I have changed the script just a tiny bit. The setup for the script is exactly the same as I said above, but in Radiant if you want a model to delete once you press it. Make a script_model or a script_brushmodel and then select the trigger FIRST then select the model/brushmodel and press W. That is all for Radiant. Also if you know how to make game objects move or something like that could could change e_model Delete(); in the script to what ever you would want it to do. So I guess who ever reads the comments will get the better version lol
functionstartGame(){e_trig=GetEnt("start_game_trigger","targetname");e_model=GetEnt(self.tartget,"targetname");e_trigSetCursorHint("HINT_NOICON");e_trigUseTriggerRequireLookAt();e_trigSetHintString("Press ^3[{+activate}]^7 to activate");// Edit this to whatever you want inside of the " "player=GetPlayers();for(i=0;i<player.size;i++){player[i]PlayLoopSound("zmb_bgb_nysm_loop");// must comment if you are not using a looping sound. Could also change it to PlayLocalSound for a nonlooping sounds.e_trigwaittill("trigger");player[i]StopLoopSound();// must comment if you are not using a looping sounde_trigPlaySound("zmb_bgb_round_robbin");}e_modelDelete();// comment this line if you don't want the model to delete.e_trigDelete();}
Also you can use a trigger_multiple and set script_trigger_allplayers to true - then once all players touch it at the same time it will activate.
Thanks for your reply. That sounds like a good idea. Yeah a model that disappears would be ideal. That way, there isn't something left in the way. And all players being there to trigger would also work.
Just to double check I use the original function and add the other one also.
No just use the new function I posted and add this to your main function as the first line
No just use the new function I posted and add this to your main function as the first line
Ah sweet. Just confused myself so thought it best to check.