Modme Forums

Skye’s WWII Weapon Ports (Page 2)

Game Asset Reversing | Releases


Here are the individual release weapons from WWII to BO3. The weapon packs, other guns, and credits are at the master hub. Thanks everyone!

Unfortunately, 15,000 characters just isn't enough. So, the WWII Ports will have to go across 2 pages.

Link to master hub: Here
Link to WWII Ports Page 1: Here

Weapon common asset here

WWII De Lisle

- Official anims, sounds, and custom slide
- Packed model has extended mags and a 4x optic
- Includes a wallbuy

Download here
WWII Kar98k

- Official anims, sounds, and custom slide
- Has both ironsight and scoped versions
- Packed scoped model has a 4x optic
- Packed ironsight model has extended mags
- Includes a wallbuy for both versions

Download here
WWII Kbsp wz.38M

- Called the "Karabin" in WWII
- Official anims, sounds, and custom slide
- Packed model has extended mags and goes to ironsights
- Includes a wallbuy

Download here
WWII Lee Enfield

- Official anims, sounds, and custom slide
- Packed model has extended mags and goes to ironsights
- Includes a wallbuy

Download here
WWII M1903

- Official anims, sounds, and custom slide
- Packed model has extended mags and a 4x optic
- Includes a wallbuy

Download here

- Called the "M36" in WWII
- Official anims, sounds, and custom slide
- Packed model has extended mags and a 4x optic
- Includes a wallbuy

Download here
WWII Mosin-Nagant

- Called the "3-Line Rifle" in WWII
- Official anims, sounds, and custom slide
- Packed model has extended mags and a goes to ironsights
- Includes a wallbuy

Download here

- Official anims, sounds, and custom slide
- Packed model has extended mags and a 4x optic
- Includes a wallbuy

Download here

- Official anims, sounds, and custom slide
- Packed model has extended mags and a goes to ironsights
- Includes a wallbuy

Download here
WWII Type 38

- Official anims, sounds, and custom slide
- Packed model has extended mags and a 4x optic
- Includes a wallbuy

Download here
WWII Winchester Model 1894

- Called the "Lever Action" in WWII
- Official anims, sounds, and custom slide
- Packed model has extended mags and goes to ironsights
- Includes a wallbuy

Download here
WWII Wz. 35

- Official anims, sounds, and custom slide
- Packed model has extended mags and goes to ironsights
- Includes a wallbuy

Download here

WWII Breda Model 30

- Called the "GPMG" in WWII
- Official anims, sounds, and custom slide
- Packed model has extended mags and an aperture sight

Download here

- Official anims, sounds, and custom slide
- Packed model has extended mags and an aperture sight
- Includes a wallbuy

Download here
WWII Chatellerault

- Official anims, sounds, and custom slide
- Packed model has extended mags and an aperture sight
- Includes a wallbuy

Download here
WWII LAD Machine Gun

- Official anims, sounds, and custom slide
- Has extended mags by default
- Packed model has an aperture sight
- Includes a wallbuy

Download here
WWII Lewis

- Official anims, sounds, and custom slide
- Packed model has extended mags and an aperture sight
- Includes a wallbuy

Download here
WWII M1919

- Official anims, sounds, and custom slide
- Has extended mags by default
- Packed model has an aperture sight
- Includes a wallbuy

Download here

- Official anims, sounds, and custom slide
- Has extended mags by default
- Packed model has an aperture sight
- Includes a wallbuy

Download here

- Official anims, sounds, and custom slide
- Has extended mags by default
- Packed model has an aperture sight
- Includes a wallbuy

Download here

- Official anims, sounds, and custom slide
- Has extended mags by default
- Packed model has an aperture sight
- Includes a wallbuy

Download here
WWII Stinger

- Official anims, sounds, and custom slide
- Has extended mags by default
- Packed model has an aperture sight
- Includes a wallbuy

Download here

- Official anims, sounds, and custom slide
- Packed model has extended mags and an aperture sight
- Includes a wallbuy

Download here

WWII M1 Bazooka

- Official anims, sounds, and custom slide

Download here
WWII Panzerschreck

- Official anims, sounds, and custom slide

Download here


Thanks for these :) I've got the MAS to work in my map, but the texture on the scope is missing, so you can't see through it.


Thanks for these :) I've got the MAS to work in my map, but the texture on the scope is missing, so you can't see through it.

Hey Chroma! That issue is likely because the WWII Weapon Common isn't installed. The link for it is at the top of both single installer pages. Thanks!


Hey Chroma! That issue is likely because the WWII Weapon Common isn't installed. The link for it is at the top of both single installer pages. Thanks!

Ah, thank you :) One issue I had installing these was I couldn't get it to work at all or even appear in the map, until I made a new zm_levelcommon_weapons file in my map's folder, instead of using the main one. Could you add this to the instructions so other people don't have the same issue?


Ah, thank you :) One issue I had installing these was I couldn't get it to work at all or even appear in the map, until I made a new zm_levelcommon_weapons file in my map's folder, instead of using the main one. Could you add this to the instructions so other people don't have the same issue?

Absolutely! the levelcommon_weapons should work either way, wether it's in share/raw, or in your map's folder.


Absolutely! the levelcommon_weapons should work either way, wether it's in share/raw, or in your map's folder.

Also, is it possible to remove the scope from a weapon that has one?


Also, is it possible to remove the scope from a weapon that has one?

it is for most, yes. you'd have to remove the attachment, change the ads settings, and change some of the hide tags stuff.


All of these are pack a punchable, apart from the Gewehr43 (From what I've tried at least)


All of these are pack a punchable, apart from the Gewehr43 (From what I've tried at least)

That’s weird. The line for the levelcommon_weapons is in place correctly, right?


That’s weird. The line for the levelcommon_weapons is in place correctly, right?

It was the first gun I imported, individually, then did the pack after, so that may have something to do with it. I'll try again once I've finished resetting my Black Ops 3 folder. Love the new names for some of the guns, but I think the MG42 may get demonetized XD.


That’s weird. The line for the levelcommon_weapons is in place correctly, right?

It's working now, with a fresh install of the mod tools. However, now I'm not getting any sounds for the guns, and this error after I compile.
EDIT: No longer getting the error, but still no sounds.

"F:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Call of Duty Black Ops III\sound\snd_convert.exe" pc usermaps\zm_testmap usermaps\zm_testmap zone_source usermaps\zm_testmap english zm_testmap

ERROR: f:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\call of duty black ops iii\share\raw\sound\aliases\user_aliases.csv

ERROR: no files for filespec: tst\test_sound.wav


Thanks skye! Really top notch weapon ports! I do have one small request though. Could you add iron sight animations for the MAS 36? It's the only rifle I haven't been able to successfully convert to iron sights.