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Sounds not compiling.

Game Modding | Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 | General Discussion


I have had this issue for a long time.
1. I have the sounds in "signed 16bit 48000hz" format.
2. I have dtzxporter's sound plugin.
3. I have the sound ailas setup correctly as far as I am aware.
4. sound ailas correctly called in zone and .sz files
I am at a loss as to why they don't compile. I have no errors in my map yet the compiler just skips the sounds.

Any guidance would be appreciated.


I have had this issue for a long time.
1. I have the sounds in "signed 16bit 48000hz" format.
2. I have dtzxporter's sound plugin.
3. I have the sound ailas setup correctly as far as I am aware.
4. sound ailas correctly called in zone and .sz files
I am at a loss as to why they don't compile. I have no errors in my map yet the compiler just skips the sounds.

Any guidance would be appreciated.

First thing you will need to do is insert a “script_struct”.
This can be located in the entity browser under the heading “Script”. Click on it, and drag “struct” into either the 2D or 3D viewport.
(right click near the menus at the top if the Entity Browser screen isn’t displayed and click it).

If you did it right, you will have a small red box on your screen.

Move it to where you want the sound to come from, then click on it, and go to the “Entity Info” screen.
(right click near the menus at the top if the Entity Info screen isn’t displayed and click it).

In Entity Info, there will be a box called “targetname”
In the box to the right of it, titled “Value” (click it), type whatever it is that is will be categorised as. In this example, I will use fire.

On the bottom right of the screen, click the ADD KVP button.____________________________________________^

On the screen, a window appeared with Key and Value fields.

Enter the following:

Property/Key: script_label
Value: looper

…then click “Add”.

It’s very important to note here, that NO spaces can be used. If you want a space, use an UNDERSCORE “ _ “ instead, and if you used CAPITALS anywhere, it must be the same throughout the script files you modify.

Click ADD KVP again, and enter the following: (you can put anything in, water, fog, rain etc., but you must keep it consistent throughout the “adding the sound” process.

Property/Key: script_sound
Value: amb_small_fire

Again, Click Add.

Your Entity Info screen will now look like this:

targetname: fire
script_label: looper
script_sound: amb_small_fire

Now open the file located in your Call of Duty Black Ops III\share\raw\sound\aliases directory called “user_aliases.csv” using either Wordpad, or preferably Microsoft Excel.

Here is an example of what you will need to enter in the file:

In the first column under “Name”, you type what you typed in the script_struct second KVP value..In this example, “amb_small_fire”.
In the fourth column is the file path and filename. This is relative to the sound_assets directory located in your BO3 folder.

As can be seen in the example below, I’ve started making folders for different elements.

So in the fourth column, I type “fire\amb_fire_sml.wav” (without the quotes). This is just a file I downloaded, so knock yourself out. There’s tonnes of free and not-so-free examples on the internet.

If you don’t get the paths to the file correct in this “user_aliases.csv” file, then the map won’t compile.
If you are downloading a sample file, it must be stereo, and 48 Khz. If you don’t follow this, your map won’t compile, and you’ll get an error:

ERROR: F:\Steam\SteamApps\common\Call of Duty Black Ops III\sound_assets\wind\amb_fire_sml.wav
ERROR: wav is not 48k sample rate

You can re-sample audio with something like “Audacity”, a free audio editing program and re-sample it up to or down to 48000.

There is a lot of other elements\headings to address, but that is covered in the documentation in your \Call of Duty Black Ops III\docs_modtools folder: Sound_Mod_Docs.pdf

Finally, compile your map. If you did everything right and managed to compile it without errors, you’ll have sound when you test it.


If this tutorial helps, please mark it as answered. :)


If this tutorial helps, please mark it as answered. :)

I appreciate the time put into this post and I'm sure this is good for people that are new to importing sounds, but
Did you even read my post? I have been through this many times.
The issue isn't the sounds not playing. I have had sounds able to compile and play before.
The issue is that new sounds are literally not compiling and don't show up in game. In the console they are reported as missing.
I have tried about everything I can think of.
I would be grateful if you could help me troubleshoot.


If you're going to ask for help on something, you need to specify and provide examples. You also remain polite and courteous. Yes, I read your post. I know you're frustrated..

I can help, but I need you to post up:
Sound alias file (and where in the directory structure it is)
Screenshot of how you've set up the script struct in radiant.
Zone file (and where in the directory structure it is)
SZ file (and where in the directory structure it is)

I will also need to examine one of the sound files you're having problems with. Without this information I can only make guesses, and since you didn't actually post anything up other than basically "help, i'm having problems", i tried to solve it with the information I didn't have.


located in: \share\raw\sound\aliases is:

# ====== NSZ Common Sounds =====,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
# ====== Kino Teleporter =======,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

located in: \usermaps\zm_lot_3\zone_source is:


// BSP

// Audio

// Kino Teleporter
//Custom Zombies

located in: \usermaps\zm_lot_3\sound\zoneconfig is:

 "Name" : "zm_lot_3",
 "GameMode" : "mpl",
 "IsCommon" : false,
 "Parent" : "",
 "Overlay" : "",
 "IsStandalone" : true,
 "IsProduction" : false,
 "IsShipped" : false,
 "DontDeploy" : false,
 "NoStreamBank" : false,
 "MapFile" : "",
 "Standalone" : true,
 "Builds" : [ "T7" ],
 "Sources" : [
 "Type" : "ALIAS",
 "Name" : "user_aliases",
 "Filename" : "user_aliases.csv",
 "Specs" : [ ]
    "Type" : "ALIAS",
    "Name" : "t4_weapon_sounds"
    "Filename" : "t4_weapon_sounds.csv",
    "Specs" : [ ]
    "Type" : "ALIAS",
    "Name" : "t6_weapon_sounds"
    "Filename" : "t6_weapon_sounds.csv",
    "Specs" : [ ]
    "Type" : "ALIAS",
    "Name" : "t7_weapon_sounds"
    "Filename" : "t7_weapon_sounds.csv",
    "Specs" : [ ]
    "Type" : "ALIAS",
    "Name" : "soul_chests_sounds"
    "Filename" : "soul_chests_sounds.csv",
    "Specs" : [ ]
    "Type" : "ALIAS",
    "Name" : "craftable_sounds"
    "Filename" : "craftable_sounds.csv",
    "Specs" : [ ]
 "Type" : "AMBIENT",
 "Name" : "ambient_mod",
 "Filename" : "ambient_mod.csv",
 "Specs" : [

Sound file example!pssXVICK!Vprd7vhqcHHHdh_VzOI71IhLK58QIJJnK_lexaL2oDU

Harry Bo21:

make sure you havent accidentally removed this line from your zone


make sure you havent accidentally removed this line from your zone

is that the map name?


I'll be honest here, I don't see any problems. As far as I can see, you've done everything correctly. The only thing that could possibly make it fail would be a flaw in radiant itself. It does have some quirkiness..
Is it possible you have the script structs in a prefab instead of the main map ?


I'll be honest here, I don't see any problems. As far as I can see, you've done everything correctly. The only thing that could possibly make it fail would be a flaw in radiant itself. It does have some quirkiness..
Is it possible you have the script structs in a prefab instead of the main map ?

nah I just drug it in from the entity browser.
I do believe this is a compiler bug or a problem in audacity and the audio files themselves.
I need a zeroy or someone good at troubleshooting quirks in software.


nah I just drug it in from the entity browser.
I do believe this is a compiler bug or a problem in audacity and the audio files themselves.
I need a zeroy or someone good at troubleshooting quirks in software.

Oh, i talk with Zeroy often. He taught me stuff, i helped him with modelling shit :D
I don't suppose there's an error in the log when you compile ?

What you can do (if you want), is pack it all up and make a quick sample .map (instead of what you're working on) with what you've done and paste a link here to it. Several people looking at it will find the problem quicker. :)


no the only thing that shows an error is about a "physpreset asset", but I know why that is and I removed the model that was causing it and the error was gone and still no sounds. so in essence, no.
sorry for the runon sentence, im in a hurry.

Harry Bo21:

no the only thing that shows an error is about a "physpreset asset", but I know why that is and I removed the model that was causing it and the error was gone and still no sounds. so in essence, no.
sorry for the runon sentence, im in a hurry.

i posted all the physics presets on the wiki

literally just a drag drop GDT in to your mod tools and all those errors will be gone - and the dynamic models will actually be dynamic


i posted all the physics presets on the wiki

literally just a drag drop GDT in to your mod tools and all those errors will be gone - and the dynamic models will actually be dynamic

what?.... where is the location of that section at? looking over the wiki but i cant find any "not a valid physpreset asset" fix list thingy.....:cry: