These are 11 of the 12 new bo4 perks available for mappers CREDITS: Treyarch / Activision raptroes Joshwoocool Quentin M5_Prodigy DTZxPorter Scobalula NGcaudle Please credit these people if you use these perks, as well as myself please DO NOT re upload without permission
before we begin you will need to set up the UI for the perk icons, you will need this even if you only use 1 perk from this pack
if you already have a UI set up for perk icons please use this, if not skip to next step
open up your "t7hud_zm_custom.lua" file (located MAPNAME\ui\uieditor\menus\hud) under electric_cherry = "specialty_blue_electric_cherry_zombies", place
BANDOLIER BANDIT EFFECT: Extra ammo for all weapons, extra ammo appears under ammo on hud DOWNLOAD:!7YIhlY7T!jcu3KwlviLH6Pv-ecdhENghKC2wCjS9y5W0KaFF1ZS4 INSTALL INSTRUCTIONS: place all files where they should go from your download open up your MAPNAME.gsc and place this UNDER #using scripts\zm\_zm_perk_staminup; place:
BLAZE PHASE EFFECT: Crouching causes a charge up of fire, standing releases it and flings you forward igniting zombies DOWNLOAD:!nBJwyQDK!eFPA5e_9eaSEJhk_8QRS_wWnVE9FDW8sB-t_i31vD7s INSTALL INSTRUCTIONS: place all files where they should go from your download open up your MAPNAME.gsc and place this UNDER #using scripts\zm\_zm_perk_staminup; place:
DYING WISH EFFECT: Negates dying for nine seconds leaving you on 1 health with a 5 minute cooldown. during invicibility melee hits instant kill basic zombies DOWNLOAD:!eMAWHIKb!JBLgGodyhHF_xaEq1-lpwbN9aSQvLZXHsb58YlWGsnw INSTALL INSTRUCTIONS: place all files where they should go from your download open up your MAPNAME.gsc and place this UNDER #using scripts\zm\_zm_perk_staminup; place:
ETHEREAL RAZOR EFFECT: melee can affect multiple zombies and greatly increases damage and melee attacks heal DOWNLOAD:!yYBAgQxL!p9UET3JPXajYfYtmyrfHavocqs85pF1u4FyWxmA86Yc INSTALL INSTRUCTIONS: place all files where they should go from your download open up your MAPNAME.gsc and place this UNDER #using scripts\zm\_zm_perk_staminup; place:
PHD SLIDER EFFECT: sliding Into zombies causes explosions, imune to explosive damage DOWNLOAD:!fMIA2QjI!3e0x420OYBRvB8g02PEAk6SxEOQ5nS5VUZrZC776oIc INSTALL INSTRUCTIONS: place all files where they should go from your download open up your MAPNAME.gsc and place this UNDER #using scripts\zm\_zm_perk_staminup; place:
STONE COLD STRONGHOLD EFFECT: Standing Still Forms A Ring Around You Generating Armour Over Time DOWNLOAD:!3MBS0QRL!-9BL-nhaafgg4yESiohT8voDvn5nHtrArGKHtL0-SMk INSTALL INSTRUCTIONS: place all files where they should go from your download open up your MAPNAME.gsc and place this UNDER #using scripts\zm\_zm_perk_staminup; place:
TIMESLIP EFFECT: Speeds Up Mystery Box Randomising and Pap Speed DOWNLOAD:!jJYGlS4I!pRayQlNWjMnMSIJlk5vqhztBx7hYdCWBJplI46Di0e4 INSTALL INSTRUCTIONS: place all files where they should go from your download open up your MAPNAME.gsc and place this UNDER #using scripts\zm\_zm_perk_staminup; place:
VICTORIOUS TORTOISE EFFECT: Shield Blocks Damage From All Directions When Held And Explodes When Destroyed DOWNLOAD:!XdZwBCZa!VnpYfSGl6tvA43JshEDvG4Fr8URimOJ5ngJDAxPkXV0 INSTALL INSTRUCTIONS: place all files where they should go from your download open up your MAPNAME.gsc and place this UNDER #using scripts\zm\_zm_perk_staminup; place:
WINTERS WAIL EFFECT: getting hurt causes nearby zombies to slow and freeze, 3 uses DOWNLOAD:!TYACEYba!b3wqilAPmg1_agspCbvAJUxxs66IXXsxSD05ev1eskw INSTALL INSTRUCTIONS: place all files where they should go from your download open up your MAPNAME.gsc and place this UNDER #using scripts\zm\_zm_perk_staminup; place:
ZOMBSHELL EFFECT: Shooting A Zombie can Create A Slow Down Field, also makes them less resistant to damage DOWNLOAD:!iUBUlCJa!gvxF8taN1DxOhiAHU60tDR2bQpgNUBhBcWyhouhFFzg INSTALL INSTRUCTIONS: place all files where they should go from your download open up your MAPNAME.gsc and place this UNDER #using scripts\zm\_zm_perk_staminup; place:
BLOOD WOLF BITE EFFECT: Dealing a large amount of damage in a short amount of time spawns a friendly wolf to attack zombies DOWNLOAD:!CFZj0QyS!T6weZaYhQeHrk1_3F6Z0EY44KPVQfpHv7i6Jp9TJzbA INSTALL INSTRUCTIONS: place all files where they should go from your download open up your MAPNAME.gsc and place this UNDER #using scripts\zm\_zm_perk_staminup; place:
I really appreciate you releasing this pack, but Ive noticed something. Im getting the same perk multiple times when using Madgazz' wunderfizz. Any idea why?
this wasnt set up to be capatable with madgaz's wonderfizz, but you can make it open his _zm_perk_wunderfizz2.gsc and find "function get_unowned_perks()" replace that function with this:
this wasnt set up to be capatable with madgaz's wonderfizz, but you can make it open his _zm_perk_wunderfizz2.gsc and find "function get_unowned_perks()" replace that function with this:
Would this also work with the wunderfizz from the modme wiki ?
this wasnt set up to be capatable with madgaz's wonderfizz, but you can make it open his _zm_perk_wunderfizz2.gsc and find "function get_unowned_perks()" replace that function with this:
you would need to copy _zm_perk_random.gsc from Call of Duty Black Ops III\share\raw\scripts\zm into your maps scripts/zm folder, then open it and replace the function get_weighted_random_perk( player ) function with this:
functionget_weighted_random_perk(player){keys=array::randomize(GetArrayKeys(level._random_perk_machine_perk_list));// if the level has a custom perk weights function, use that to set up the array with appropriate weightingif(IsDefined(level.custom_random_perk_weights)){keys=player[[level.custom_random_perk_weights]]();}/#forced_perk=GetDvarString("scr_force_perk");if(forced_perk!=""&&IsDefined(level._random_perk_machine_perk_list[forced_perk])){ArrayInsert(keys,forced_perk,0);}#/// loop through the list of perks until you find one the player doesn't have; return that perk from the arrayfor(i=0;i<keys.size;i++){if(is_new_perk(level._random_perk_machine_perk_list[keys[i]])&&playerHasPerkNew(level._random_perk_machine_perk_list[keys[i]])){continue;}elseif(!is_new_perk(level._random_perk_machine_perk_list[keys[i]])&&playerHasPerk(level._random_perk_machine_perk_list[keys[i]])){continue;}else{returnlevel._random_perk_machine_perk_list[keys[i]];}}returnlevel._random_perk_machine_perk_list[keys[0]];}functionis_new_perk(perk){if(isdefined(level.reap_custom_perk_array)&&isdefined(level.reap_custom_perk_array[perk]))returntrue;returnfalse;}functionHasPerkNew(perk){if(!isdefined(self.player_cz_perks))returnfalse;if(isdefined(self.player_cz_perks)&&isdefined(self.player_cz_perks[perk]))returntrue;returnfalse;}
Brilliant Thank you
you would need to copy _zm_perk_random.gsc from Call of Duty Black Ops III\share\raw\scripts\zm into your maps scripts/zm folder, then open it and replace the function get_weighted_random_perk( player ) function with this:
functionget_weighted_random_perk(player){keys=array::randomize(GetArrayKeys(level._random_perk_machine_perk_list));// if the level has a custom perk weights function, use that to set up the array with appropriate weightingif(IsDefined(level.custom_random_perk_weights)){keys=player[[level.custom_random_perk_weights]]();}/#forced_perk=GetDvarString("scr_force_perk");if(forced_perk!=""&&IsDefined(level._random_perk_machine_perk_list[forced_perk])){ArrayInsert(keys,forced_perk,0);}#/// loop through the list of perks until you find one the player doesn't have; return that perk from the arrayfor(i=0;i<keys.size;i++){if(is_new_perk(level._random_perk_machine_perk_list[keys[i]])&&playerHasPerkNew(level._random_perk_machine_perk_list[keys[i]])){continue;}elseif(!is_new_perk(level._random_perk_machine_perk_list[keys[i]])&&playerHasPerk(level._random_perk_machine_perk_list[keys[i]])){continue;}else{returnlevel._random_perk_machine_perk_list[keys[i]];}}returnlevel._random_perk_machine_perk_list[keys[0]];}functionis_new_perk(perk){if(isdefined(level.reap_custom_perk_array)&&isdefined(level.reap_custom_perk_array[perk]))returntrue;returnfalse;}functionHasPerkNew(perk){if(!isdefined(self.player_cz_perks))returnfalse;if(isdefined(self.player_cz_perks)&&isdefined(self.player_cz_perks[perk]))returntrue;returnfalse;}
Harry Bo21:
if He just set his perks up to use the normal perk systems using any of the 25 free specialty names - it would already work with both - and the rest of the 3arc functionality
You are awesome for this release!!! This is legendary!!!!
Hi, first of all I think you're a legend and this is awesomeee!! Second I just have a question: I download "Timeslip" and I'm using Harry's mystery box (,-MOTD-and-SOE-included-).html), and there's a same file name "mystery_box.gsc". I wonder, is there a way to use or modify the .gsc file so I can use that mystery box with timeslip? I try adding the "#using scripts\zm\_zm_perk_timeslip;" to the .gsc I already have, but the perk doesn't work :(
functiontimeslip_magic_box_do_weapon_rise(number_cycles,box){model=spawn("script_model",self.origin);model.angles=(-box.angles[0],box.angles[1]+180,-box.angles[2]);if(IsDefined(level.custom_magicbox_float_height)){v_float=AnglesToUp(box.angles)*level.custom_magicbox_float_height;}else{v_float=AnglesToUp(box.angles)*40;// draw vector straight up with reference to the mystery box angles}time=(number_cycles*0.04);modelmoveto(model.origin+v_float,time);for(i=0;i<number_cycles;i++){keys=array::randomize(GetArrayKeys(level.zombie_weapons));weapon=keys[0];gunmodel=weapon.worldModel;modelsetModel(gunmodel);modelUseWeaponHideTags(weapon);if(i<20){WAIT_SERVER_FRAME;}elseif(i<30){wait(0.1);}elseif(i<35){wait(0.2);}elseif(i<38){wait(0.3);}}modeldelete();}
functiontimeslip_magic_box_do_weapon_rise(number_cycles,box){model=spawn("script_model",self.origin);model.angles=(-box.angles[0],box.angles[1]+180,-box.angles[2]);if(IsDefined(level.custom_magicbox_float_height)){v_float=AnglesToUp(box.angles)*level.custom_magicbox_float_height;}else{v_float=AnglesToUp(box.angles)*40;// draw vector straight up with reference to the mystery box angles}time=(number_cycles*0.04);modelmoveto(model.origin+v_float,time);for(i=0;i<number_cycles;i++){keys=array::randomize(GetArrayKeys(level.zombie_weapons));weapon=keys[0];gunmodel=weapon.worldModel;modelsetModel(gunmodel);modelUseWeaponHideTags(weapon);if(i<20){WAIT_SERVER_FRAME;}elseif(i<30){wait(0.1);}elseif(i<35){wait(0.2);}elseif(i<38){wait(0.3);}}modeldelete();}
at the bottom of the gsc
Thanks! Works great! 🙌
im getting a UI 41437 error :(
Hi again So, I've been adding one by one perk, and I notice there's some missing things In Blood Wolf there's not a prefab, just a .bak file
Then in Ethereal Razor and Blaze Phase, the model doesn't appear in the prefab, which cause the character get stuck in the "drinking action" and can't do almost every action
I've been testing only the perks in the first image so far, but I will keep going with the other perks later Just want to let you know and if there's a way to fix this But also, thanks for the perks, they're awesome
thanks for letting me know, blood wolf bite should be fixed, as for missing machines make sure you have the model added to your .zone file, i cant find a reason for them to not be working
thanks for all the effort put into getting these done
question though [USER=230]@F3ARxReaper666[/USER] The UI does not load the perk shaders, any ideas?
thanks for all the effort put into getting these done
question though [USER=230]@F3ARxReaper666[/USER] The UI does not load the perk shaders, any ideas?
have you followed the tutorial on setting them up? need to add files into your mod tools folder, your mapname and add lines to your zone and csc
have you followed the tutorial on setting them up? need to add files into your mod tools folder, your mapname and add lines to your zone and csc
Already cleared it up with you on Discord thanks F3AR
For anyone whos silly like me, if you get the "UI Error 41437", you need to to install L3akMod in order for this to work. Link below. Thanks to F3AR for letting me know about this
Hi So, I already check every perk and let me say they're awesomeee!! But also, I found two things: 1. The Luna model looks a little weird. I don't know if I make a mistake installing it or the model is like that. I don't considered that an issue, just something to point out. I made a video so you can check it out if you want...
2. Stone Cold Stronghold doesn't make the circle and give the armor. I don't if I made a mistake but I check the instructions and everything is the same.
That's, I just want to let you know. I'm gonna use your perks in my next map cuz are incredible 😂 🙌
the luna model is right, its my fault it looks like that, its using the hellhound animations, the body shape of them is weird used on a normal wolf. as for stone cold, redownload it, i fixed it at some point and you have an old version
the luna model is right, its my fault it looks like that, its using the hellhound animations, the body shape of them is weird used on a normal wolf. as for stone cold, redownload it, i fixed it at some point and you have an old version
Don't worry, is funny to look Luna like that 😂 Perfect, I'm gonna redownload Stronghold right now. Thanks 🙌
Hey one more question: I saw in a image you have the perks in different rows Is there a way I can do this with my own lua file?
the 12 is how many per row, should only need to change the vertical one but can change both if your making them like, go upwards or something idk
THAAAANKS!! I was looking for this for a long long time 😃
Do you know if there's a way to get the perk shaders to line up properly with Wardogs perks? It seems he added his own hud for them and they overlap your perks.
Do you know if there's a way to get the perk shaders to line up properly with Wardogs perks? It seems he added his own hud for them and they overlap your perks.
wardog uses the old method i believe, doesn't use bo3s normal hud in lua, i wouldn't recommend using them with these because of that. i'm sure there's other perks someone released that use lua. ultimately if there isnt i could maybe make it but wouldn't be for quite some time since im working on other stuff
the 12 is how many per row, should only need to change the vertical one but can change both if your making them like, go upwards or something idk
<3 but how do you get the extra perks to stack on top instead of pushing the rest up and adding new ones to the bottom
Is it possible to release the perks with the modify version? If not that's ok 😎
Is it possible to release the perks with the modify version? If not that's ok 😎
most of the perks ( i think blood wolf doesnt) has the modifiers i made already in the scripts, you can make them available with the base perk by changing any "HasDbPerkNew" to "HasPerkNew" if you want to beef up the perk, but for a native double buy or modifier thing im still working on that and likely wont release that til after i release a map with it in
most of the perks ( i think blood wolf doesnt) has the modifiers i made already in the scripts, you can make them available with the base perk by changing any "HasDbPerkNew" to "HasPerkNew" if you want to beef up the perk, but for a native double buy or modifier thing im still working on that and likely wont release that til after i release a map with it in
Oh perfect, I'll be looking foward to that and your map of course Thanks
Do you know why i'm getting this error with ethereal razor perks , because other perks works fine as well , i don't know what to do ?
E:\Steam\steamapps\common\CallofDutyBlackOpsIII\/gdtdb/gdtdb.exe/updategdtDB:updatingerrorsfoundwhileupdatingdatabase!ERROR:Duplicate'material' asset 'gfx_gel_drops_lit' found in e:\steam\steamapps\common\call of duty black ops iii\source_data\reaps_cz_ethereal_razor.gdt:1129ERROR:Duplicate'material' asset 'gfx_gel_drops_lit' found in e:\steam\steamapps\common\call of duty black ops iii\texture_assets\gfx.gdt:67852ERROR:Duplicate'material' asset 'gfx_gel_splat_full_lit' found in e:\steam\steamapps\common\call of duty black ops iii\source_data\reaps_cz_ethereal_razor.gdt:2041ERROR:Duplicate'material' asset 'gfx_gel_splat_full_lit' found in e:\steam\steamapps\common\call of duty black ops iii\texture_assets\gfx.gdt:68764ERROR:Duplicate'material' asset 'gfx_gel_splat_radial_lit' found in e:\steam\steamapps\common\call of duty black ops iii\source_data\reaps_cz_ethereal_razor.gdt:2953ERROR:Duplicate'material' asset 'gfx_gel_splat_radial_lit' found in e:\steam\steamapps\common\call of duty black ops iii\texture_assets\gfx.gdt:70588ERROR:Duplicate'material' asset 'gfx_gel_splat_side_lit' found in e:\steam\steamapps\common\call of duty black ops iii\source_data\reaps_cz_ethereal_razor.gdt:3865ERROR:Duplicate'material' asset 'gfx_gel_splat_side_lit' found in e:\steam\steamapps\common\call of duty black ops iii\texture_assets\gfx.gdt:71500ERROR:Duplicate'material' asset 'gfx_gel_splat_spread_lit' found in e:\steam\steamapps\common\call of duty black ops iii\source_data\reaps_cz_ethereal_razor.gdt:4777ERROR:Duplicate'material' asset 'gfx_gel_splat_spread_lit' found in e:\steam\steamapps\common\call of duty black ops iii\texture_assets\gfx.gdt:72412ERROR:Duplicate'material' asset 'gfx_gel_splat_wide_lit' found in e:\steam\steamapps\common\call of duty black ops iii\source_data\reaps_cz_ethereal_razor.gdt:6601ERROR:Duplicate'material' asset 'gfx_gel_splat_wide_lit' found in e:\steam\steamapps\common\call of duty black ops iii\texture_assets\gfx.gdt:74236ERROR:Duplicate'material' asset 'gfx_smk_trail_billow_lit' found in e:\steam\steamapps\common\call of duty black ops iii\source_data\reaps_cz_ethereal_razor.gdt:7513ERROR:Duplicate'material' asset 'gfx_smk_trail_billow_lit' found in e:\steam\steamapps\common\call of duty black ops iii\texture_assets\gfx.gdt:119836gdtDB:processed(2GDTs)(601assets)in2.467sec
These are 11 of the 12 new bo4 perks available for mappers CREDITS: Treyarch / Activision raptroes Joshwoocool Quentin M5_Prodigy DTZxPorter Scobalula NGcaudle Please credit these people if you use these perks, as well as myself please DO NOT re upload without permission
before we begin you will need to set up the UI for the perk icons, you will need this even if you only use 1 perk from this pack
if you already have a UI set up for perk icons please use this, if not skip to next step
open up your "t7hud_zm_custom.lua" file (located MAPNAME\ui\uieditor\menus\hud) under electric_cherry = "specialty_blue_electric_cherry_zombies", place
BANDOLIER BANDIT EFFECT: Extra ammo for all weapons, extra ammo appears under ammo on hud DOWNLOAD:!7YIhlY7T!jcu3KwlviLH6Pv-ecdhENghKC2wCjS9y5W0KaFF1ZS4 INSTALL INSTRUCTIONS: place all files where they should go from your download open up your MAPNAME.gsc and place this UNDER #using scripts\zm\_zm_perk_staminup; place:
BLAZE PHASE EFFECT: Crouching causes a charge up of fire, standing releases it and flings you forward igniting zombies DOWNLOAD:!nBJwyQDK!eFPA5e_9eaSEJhk_8QRS_wWnVE9FDW8sB-t_i31vD7s INSTALL INSTRUCTIONS: place all files where they should go from your download open up your MAPNAME.gsc and place this UNDER #using scripts\zm\_zm_perk_staminup; place:
DYING WISH EFFECT: Negates dying for nine seconds leaving you on 1 health with a 5 minute cooldown. during invicibility melee hits instant kill basic zombies DOWNLOAD:!eMAWHIKb!JBLgGodyhHF_xaEq1-lpwbN9aSQvLZXHsb58YlWGsnw INSTALL INSTRUCTIONS: place all files where they should go from your download open up your MAPNAME.gsc and place this UNDER #using scripts\zm\_zm_perk_staminup; place:
ETHEREAL RAZOR EFFECT: melee can affect multiple zombies and greatly increases damage and melee attacks heal DOWNLOAD:!yYBAgQxL!p9UET3JPXajYfYtmyrfHavocqs85pF1u4FyWxmA86Yc INSTALL INSTRUCTIONS: place all files where they should go from your download open up your MAPNAME.gsc and place this UNDER #using scripts\zm\_zm_perk_staminup; place:
PHD SLIDER EFFECT: sliding Into zombies causes explosions, imune to explosive damage DOWNLOAD:!fMIA2QjI!3e0x420OYBRvB8g02PEAk6SxEOQ5nS5VUZrZC776oIc INSTALL INSTRUCTIONS: place all files where they should go from your download open up your MAPNAME.gsc and place this UNDER #using scripts\zm\_zm_perk_staminup; place:
STONE COLD STRONGHOLD EFFECT: Standing Still Forms A Ring Around You Generating Armour Over Time DOWNLOAD:!3MBS0QRL!-9BL-nhaafgg4yESiohT8voDvn5nHtrArGKHtL0-SMk INSTALL INSTRUCTIONS: place all files where they should go from your download open up your MAPNAME.gsc and place this UNDER #using scripts\zm\_zm_perk_staminup; place:
TIMESLIP EFFECT: Speeds Up Mystery Box Randomising and Pap Speed DOWNLOAD:!jJYGlS4I!pRayQlNWjMnMSIJlk5vqhztBx7hYdCWBJplI46Di0e4 INSTALL INSTRUCTIONS: place all files where they should go from your download open up your MAPNAME.gsc and place this UNDER #using scripts\zm\_zm_perk_staminup; place:
VICTORIOUS TORTOISE EFFECT: Shield Blocks Damage From All Directions When Held And Explodes When Destroyed DOWNLOAD:!XdZwBCZa!VnpYfSGl6tvA43JshEDvG4Fr8URimOJ5ngJDAxPkXV0 INSTALL INSTRUCTIONS: place all files where they should go from your download open up your MAPNAME.gsc and place this UNDER #using scripts\zm\_zm_perk_staminup; place:
WINTERS WAIL EFFECT: getting hurt causes nearby zombies to slow and freeze, 3 uses DOWNLOAD:!TYACEYba!b3wqilAPmg1_agspCbvAJUxxs66IXXsxSD05ev1eskw INSTALL INSTRUCTIONS: place all files where they should go from your download open up your MAPNAME.gsc and place this UNDER #using scripts\zm\_zm_perk_staminup; place:
ZOMBSHELL EFFECT: Shooting A Zombie can Create A Slow Down Field, also makes them less resistant to damage DOWNLOAD:!iUBUlCJa!gvxF8taN1DxOhiAHU60tDR2bQpgNUBhBcWyhouhFFzg INSTALL INSTRUCTIONS: place all files where they should go from your download open up your MAPNAME.gsc and place this UNDER #using scripts\zm\_zm_perk_staminup; place:
BLOOD WOLF BITE EFFECT: Dealing a large amount of damage in a short amount of time spawns a friendly wolf to attack zombies DOWNLOAD:!CFZj0QyS!T6weZaYhQeHrk1_3F6Z0EY44KPVQfpHv7i6Jp9TJzbA INSTALL INSTRUCTIONS: place all files where they should go from your download open up your MAPNAME.gsc and place this UNDER #using scripts\zm\_zm_perk_staminup; place:
why am i getting this error? [L3akMod (D3V)] Error: D:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\Common\Call of Duty Black Ops III\usermaps\zm_test\ui/uieditor/menus/hud/t7hud_zm_custom.lua:61: } expected (to close { at line 42) near 'bloodwolf'
thanks for all the effort put into getting these done
question though [USER=230]@F3ARxReaper666[/USER] The UI does not load the perk shaders, any ideas?
Yeah im having the same issue the icons arent showing up
Hey does Anyone know if VICTORIOUS TORTOISE works with harrys buildable dragon Shield? if not is there a way to make it work with it?
Just Tried it, it does work without any tweaks
Do you know why i'm getting this error with ethereal razor perks , because other perks works fine as well , i don't know what to do ?
E:\Steam\steamapps\common\CallofDutyBlackOpsIII\/gdtdb/gdtdb.exe/updategdtDB:updatingerrorsfoundwhileupdatingdatabase!ERROR:Duplicate'material' asset 'gfx_gel_drops_lit' found in e:\steam\steamapps\common\call of duty black ops iii\source_data\reaps_cz_ethereal_razor.gdt:1129ERROR:Duplicate'material' asset 'gfx_gel_drops_lit' found in e:\steam\steamapps\common\call of duty black ops iii\texture_assets\gfx.gdt:67852ERROR:Duplicate'material' asset 'gfx_gel_splat_full_lit' found in e:\steam\steamapps\common\call of duty black ops iii\source_data\reaps_cz_ethereal_razor.gdt:2041ERROR:Duplicate'material' asset 'gfx_gel_splat_full_lit' found in e:\steam\steamapps\common\call of duty black ops iii\texture_assets\gfx.gdt:68764ERROR:Duplicate'material' asset 'gfx_gel_splat_radial_lit' found in e:\steam\steamapps\common\call of duty black ops iii\source_data\reaps_cz_ethereal_razor.gdt:2953ERROR:Duplicate'material' asset 'gfx_gel_splat_radial_lit' found in e:\steam\steamapps\common\call of duty black ops iii\texture_assets\gfx.gdt:70588ERROR:Duplicate'material' asset 'gfx_gel_splat_side_lit' found in e:\steam\steamapps\common\call of duty black ops iii\source_data\reaps_cz_ethereal_razor.gdt:3865ERROR:Duplicate'material' asset 'gfx_gel_splat_side_lit' found in e:\steam\steamapps\common\call of duty black ops iii\texture_assets\gfx.gdt:71500ERROR:Duplicate'material' asset 'gfx_gel_splat_spread_lit' found in e:\steam\steamapps\common\call of duty black ops iii\source_data\reaps_cz_ethereal_razor.gdt:4777ERROR:Duplicate'material' asset 'gfx_gel_splat_spread_lit' found in e:\steam\steamapps\common\call of duty black ops iii\texture_assets\gfx.gdt:72412ERROR:Duplicate'material' asset 'gfx_gel_splat_wide_lit' found in e:\steam\steamapps\common\call of duty black ops iii\source_data\reaps_cz_ethereal_razor.gdt:6601ERROR:Duplicate'material' asset 'gfx_gel_splat_wide_lit' found in e:\steam\steamapps\common\call of duty black ops iii\texture_assets\gfx.gdt:74236ERROR:Duplicate'material' asset 'gfx_smk_trail_billow_lit' found in e:\steam\steamapps\common\call of duty black ops iii\source_data\reaps_cz_ethereal_razor.gdt:7513ERROR:Duplicate'material' asset 'gfx_smk_trail_billow_lit' found in e:\steam\steamapps\common\call of duty black ops iii\texture_assets\gfx.gdt:119836gdtDB:processed(2GDTs)(601assets)in2.467sec
these gdt files already exist in the bo3 directory. i did an advenced rename in the asset editor and changed all or the ethereal gdt duplicates to something slightly different. the error went away but i havent had a chance to test if there are other issues.
these gdt files already exist in the bo3 directory. i did an advenced rename in the asset editor and changed all or the ethereal gdt duplicates to something slightly different. the error went away but i havent had a chance to test if there are other issues.
open ape and copy the name of the duplicate and delete one of them
open ape and copy the name of the duplicate and delete one of them
Do you mean search for the duplicates and delete one of them? Renaming the duplicates seems to have worked but if I can delete the duplicates then I will do that.
not sure if this is common knowledge but to get the names to show up properly in wunderfizz 2.0, copy the following into the wunderfizz 2.0 gsh under the rest of the define statements
and copy this into the wunderfizz 2.0 gsc directly above the default condition in the switch block case "specialty_bandolier": return WUNDERFIZZ2_SPECIALTY_BANDOLIER; case "specialty_blazephase": return WUNDERFIZZ2_SPECIALTY_BLAZEPHASE; case "specialty_bloodwolf": return WUNDERFIZZ2_SPECIALTY_BLOODWOLF; case "specialty_dyingwish": return WUNDERFIZZ2_SPECIALTY_DYINGWISH; case "specialty_razor": return WUNDERFIZZ2_SPECIALTY_RAZOR; case "specialty_slider": return WUNDERFIZZ2_SPECIALTY_SLIDER; case "specialty_stronghold": return WUNDERFIZZ2_SPECIALTY_STRONGHOLD; case "specialty_timeslip": return WUNDERFIZZ2_SPECIALTY_TIMESLIP; case "specialty_victorious": return WUNDERFIZZ2_SPECIALTY_VICTORIOUS; case "specialty_winterwail": return WUNDERFIZZ2_SPECIALTY_WINTERWAIL; case "specialty_zombshell": return WUNDERFIZZ2_SPECIALTY_ZOMBSHELL;
Do you mean search for the duplicates and delete one of them? Renaming the duplicates seems to have worked but if I can delete the duplicates then I will do that.
exactly, restart the mod tools and the errors will be gone
im sorry for being gone from this, dealing with personal matters mostly
with the gdt dupes, some assets somehow must of been deleted from my stock assets so i apolagise for adding in ones that you guys should already have
as for the LUA part when writing out the list make sure the final one DOES NOT have a , at the end of it, eg:
notice they all have a , after the "image_name" part except the final one, thats likely what people have messed up with, sorry i wasnt more clear with it
Justin Emerald:
This is giving me a error: Error Linking Script (scripts\zm\zm_frost_der_untoten) help? ;(
Any plan to release the Rayzorback wonder weapon from your perk mod?
Hey this is a great release and I got everything to work but for some reason the perk shaders dont show up at all? I followed all the instructions with the lua file and everything but they just wont show up? Any help and I'll be grateful, thank you!
Justin Emerald:
Where exactly do we put this at in the .zone file?
VICTORIOUS TORTOISE does'nt work with Spiki's shields :(
so im using eheral razor, is there anything we need to do if we have other custom melee weapons in the ma the replace the knife example, i using katana as a weapon which is obvs melee but as far as i can tell it has no effect
Hi, quick question: I'm using Harry's Pack-a-Punch and I just want to ask if there's a way to modify pack-a-punch.gsc file that I already have so I can use it with timeslip?
Scary Branden:
Hi, quick question: I'm using Harry's Pack-a-Punch and I just want to ask if there's a way to modify pack-a-punch.gsc file that I already have so I can use it with timeslip?
Go into the time slip pap gsc and search for everywhere it says anything timeslip related and copy it to harrys pap gsc. seems to be basicly just three lines from a quick glance
Scary Branden:
Hi, quick question: I'm using Harry's Pack-a-Punch and I just want to ask if there's a way to modify pack-a-punch.gsc file that I already have so I can use it with timeslip?
Finally had time to do it. In harrys PAP.gsc add to the top
Oh niiice Thanks a looot of this 😁 I'm gonna do it right know haha
Hey I'm having a problem with the new perks. I downloaded Bandolier Bandit and PHD and everything looks fine in Radient and file but when I boot up the game to test the map with the new perks, I receive the following error:
Does anyone else have this error/knows how to fix it? I only have this problem when I add the BO4 perks in. If it's any help, I have KhelMho's Vigor Rush perk mod running concurrently.
Hey I'm having a problem with the new perks. I downloaded Bandolier Bandit and PHD and everything looks fine in Radient and file but when I boot up the game to test the map with the new perks, I receive the following error:
Does anyone else have this error/knows how to fix it? I only have this problem when I add the BO4 perks in. If it's any help, I have KhelMho's Vigor Rush perk mod running concurrently.
Did you put the #using both in gsc and csc? Not putting in both files causes the Clientfield Mismatch
MKD Joker:
where do i find the lua file? when I go to my map folder I don't have the ui folder and the other folders that lead to the lua file.
Did you put the #using both in gsc and csc? Not putting in both files causes the Clientfield Mismatch
Rookie mistake. That and I think WarDogs Perk pack were conflicting with each other. It runs perfectly now, thanks!
where do i find the lua file? when I go to my map folder I don't have the ui folder and the other folders that lead to the lua file.
You have to download the LUA file along with the L3akMod that is on the first page. You will insert the UI folder in your usermap after you download it. Hope that helped!
MKD Joker:
You have to download the LUA file along with the L3akMod that is on the first page. You will insert the UI folder in your usermap after you download it. Hope that helped!
yea it did, I have it now but whenever I try and change something in the lua it does not change it in game
My game just crashes and in the compiler it just says lua is not supported
My game just crashes and in the compiler it just says lua is not supported
Some of the perk machine is missing texture but it still works can you or i fix the missing texture? btw how do you put these perks in the wonderfizz machine?
having trouble setting up the lights. it looks like they arent even set up in the scripts. is this an easy fix?
I wonder if I should change the BLOOD WOLF BITE perk. Would be really cool to add a double action button press to kill the wolf, in some cases it activates when you don't want it to, aka holding a last zombie. That or have an activation bar and key to deploy. Love your work on these perks anyhow!
Markus Darius:
so, for some reason, im having this weird error and I cannot fix it, anybody have any ideias about what can I do about it? all the gsc and csc files are alright. thx
so, for some reason, im having this weird error and I cannot fix it, anybody have any ideias about what can I do about it? all the gsc and csc files are alright. thx
Likely missing something in the Zone or in your scripts
double check the instructions and make sure you didn’t miss a line in anything
Markus Darius:
Likely missing something in the Zone or in your scripts
double check the instructions and make sure you didn’t miss a line in anything
YESS thanks a lot, I was actually missing a line, everything is working properly now, thank you
I'm letting players buy Zombshell as a Reward from one of my 5 Challenges. But the name PERK_ZOMBSHELL is an Error... How to do? = But all the bo4 Perks works in the map, also the Perk Machenes, but not this Perk-name to the Reward script 🤷♂️
More explanation:
//If I put this in to _zm_perks.gsh = #define PERK_CLIENTFIELD_ZOMBSHELL "hudItems.perks.zombshell" #define PERK_ZOMBSHELL "specialty_zombshell"
// This Error come = UNRECOVERABLE ERROR: ^1SCRIPT ERROR: Preprocessor error, No generated data for 'scripts\zm\_zm_perks.gsh' :39 : (-8) Error: Macro name already defined PERK_CLIENTFIELD_ZOMBSHELL
//If I don't put that in _ this in _zm_perks.gsh, This Error come = UNRECOVERABLE ERROR: ^1SCRIPT ERROR: No generated data for 'scripts/zm/zm_headshots_challenge.gsc' ERR(6E) scripts/zm/zm_headshots_challenge.gsc (63,1) : Compiler Internal Error : Uninitialized local variable 'perk_zombshell
If I just remove this = #define PERK_CLIENTFIELD_ZOMBSHELL "hudItems.perks.zombshell"
The compile will continue, the game will start, but you cant buy the perk from the Challenge-Reward.
The Challenge-Reward script is like this = if ( player hasPerk( PERK_ZOMBSHELL ) ) //change to your perk stat name