Game Asset Reversing | Releases
These are the supersprinter animations zombies use in bo4 starting on round 51+.
To give you a good idea on how fast these anims are, zombies would be able to consistently catch up to a non sprinting player.
UPDATE 10/17/2019: All other anims have been found and have been ported accordingly.
UPDATE 6/4/2020: I decided to include a gdt with the anims so they all have notetracks now, just drag the "source_data" folder in your bo3 root folder.
Open the downloaded zip file and drag the "xanim_export" and "source_data" folder into your main bo3 directory.
Then open "APE" and search for "ai_zombie_base" or "t8_ai_zombie" in the gdt search bar, and after that you can replace any of the movement anims with supersprinter ones or I'd recommend replacing only sprint ones.
The gdt also serves as a way to view the anims without replacing any, you can also duplicate them and
change their names to whatever anim you plan on replacing(Just make sure you back your anims up first.)
Also, each ssprinter anim comes with a custom "pain_chest_f" and "pain_chest_f_alt" variation to use when a zombie get's shot, it's recommended you do this so when a zombie gets shot they don't switch to the original anim and possibly slow down.
Once you do all you wanted to do, you can link/compile your map.
Enjoy your fast zombies!
Please have a video demonstrating these animations :)
Please have a video demonstrating these animations :)
Please have a video demonstrating these animations :)
finnzax: ok heres a video of one
So, I spent a good week or so trying to find these animations and I managed to find all of them.
These are the supersprinter animations zombies use in bo4 starting on round 50+ So I'd assume not many people had seen them.
To give you a good idea on how fast these anims are, zombies would be able to catch up to the player if they weren't sprinting.
UPDATE 10/17/2019: All other anims have been found and have been ported accordingly.does this run for a mod on bo3 zombies just wondering
I should've done this when I first put up the post but here are gifs of some of the anims in this pack.
Treyarch for Animations
Scobalula for Greyhound
Ghostlycreep for Porting Animations
Include these in your map description if you use these anims.
Note: If I'm missing anybody let me know, this is only my second time uploading something.
I'm not sure about it working in a mod but I'd assume it does.
Im Dating Trump:
Can you explain with a little more detail how to get it to work?
Can you explain with a little more detail how to get it to work?
instead of going into ape and potentially destroying stock anims, I've created new animtables, etc. for people to just drag & drop (my way replaces all standard sprinting with this supersprint) and all you gotta do is just create a new archetype for your spawner and change the animtables, etc and you're done. DM me on discord if you want me to send it to you so you can update this post
Logical Edits#4463
instead of going into ape and potentially destroying stock anims, I've created new animtables, etc. for people to just drag & drop (my way replaces all standard sprinting with this supersprint) and all you gotta do is just create a new archetype for your spawner and change the animtables, etc and you're done. DM me on discord if you want me to send it to you so you can update this post
Logical Edits#4463