Game Modding | Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 | Scripting
wondering if someone can help me setup an audio trigger so that when i enter a certain area a sound plays.
I have tried using IceGrenades tutorial as well as Wakkas tutorial but neither seem to be working if anyone can assist it would be greatly appreciated :)
Sidenote: When attempting to use icegrenades tut/script, i can get everything setup however when in game, the text pops up saying "music Activated" and then instantly is followed by "music over", not sure why as have followed it step by step and everything is exactly the same as what nade has done
Wakkas: I just simply dont understand/seems more complicated to me?
Try this.
Create a trigger_multiple and change the KVPs
targetname = YourTriggerName
cursorhint = "HINT_NOICON"
Open your mapname.gsc
Paste this line:
level thread init_Triggers();
Paste this at the end of map name.gsc
Compile & Link your map and run