Modme Forums

Map constantly getting corrupted

Game Modding | Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 | Radiant


I've had this problem since sunday. Out of nowhere, Radiant will either crash while making my map, and when I try to open the map, while its loading two command prompt tabs will open up and then close within a split second and radiant will close. Or what will happen is I save my map and I quit, and then later when I open the map, it'll open up cmd like I said and then close. I temporarily fixed it by replacing my house prefab (my map is mostly a house) with a backup radiant automatically made. But this worked for only a few hours. I've done some testing and I've found the cause but don't know how to fix it. When I open my map (from a backup) and then stamp the house prefab. Doing that doesn't cause the corrupted file. But once I click the lightning bolt after the prefab has been stamped, it will build the lighting or whatever it's called, and it'll be fine. But once I close it and reopen the map file, then the two cmd tabs open up for a split second and then radiant closes. I don't really know what to do with this information though. I know that it can't be the only cause of this since this happened to me on sunday and monday and at the time I never stamped my prefab. I've created a new map and transferred everything to the new map and it temporarily fixed it. Btw, i triple checked that building the lighting when the prefab was stamped is causing it, not when the sun is built in the prefab (before its stamped). Anyone know how to fix this?


two cmd tabs open up for a split second and then radiant closes

This is probably the "CrashUploader.exe" which only uploads infos about Radiant when it crashes.

What are your pc specs?



I've had this problem since sunday. Out of nowhere, Radiant will either crash while making my map, and when I try to open the map, while its loading two command prompt tabs will open up and then close within a split second and radiant will close. Or what will happen is I save my map and I quit, and then later when I open the map, it'll open up cmd like I said and then close. I temporarily fixed it by replacing my house prefab (my map is mostly a house) with a backup radiant automatically made. But this worked for only a few hours. I've done some testing and I've found the cause but don't know how to fix it. When I open my map (from a backup) and then stamp the house prefab. Doing that doesn't cause the corrupted file. But once I click the lightning bolt after the prefab has been stamped, it will build the lighting or whatever it's called, and it'll be fine. But once I close it and reopen the map file, then the two cmd tabs open up for a split second and then radiant closes. I don't really know what to do with this information though. I know that it can't be the only cause of this since this happened to me on sunday and monday and at the time I never stamped my prefab. I've created a new map and transferred everything to the new map and it temporarily fixed it. Btw, i triple checked that building the lighting when the prefab was stamped is causing it, not when the sun is built in the prefab (before its stamped). Anyone know how to fix this?

Sounds like a corrupted prefab. Could you please post the compile log.


Not Corrupted (Compile, Light, and Link):

Corrupted (Compile & Link):


I've done some testing and I found out that it might be caused by something in my prefab in an area. I spent 2 hours last night going through each thing, deleting it, build light, close then reopen to see if i can find what's causing it, and nothing worked.


I've done some testing and I found out that it might be caused by something in my prefab in an area. I spent 2 hours last night going through each thing, deleting it, build light, close then reopen to see if i can find what's causing it, and nothing worked.

From what I can see, there's a couple of problems that would be causing this.
First of all **LEAKED** indicates the skybox is most likely not sealed on all sides, or incorrectly set up.
Secondly, the ATLAS errors on the EFX means the textures are not set up correctly\referenced correctly on your FX.
Harry apparently has a fix for the physpreset errors - or you can do it yourself in APE (reference each object to a similar weighted\existing preset).

Take note..every ERROR in your compile log needs to be addressed or you will always run into errors when trying to play your level. Yes, it may run, but you will notice lighting errors, FX errors, sound errors or even just "insta-death and invisible walls" errors in areas that shouldn't have errors.

I hope this helps.