Modme Forums

PAP room looks broken (NSZ Teleporter)

Game Modding | Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 | Radiant



I have NSZ's Teleporter installed on my map. The teleportation and spawning works but i have a problem with the PAP and the Random Spawn room.
Every single room in my map looks normal except the PAP and the Random Spawn room.
The walls, floor, ceiling, models and textures are sometimes invisible when i'm moving around in those rooms.
At the beginning my PAP Room was far away from the actual map and i thought that could be the reason
but now i completely rebuilt the PAP room in the middle of the map and this bug is still happening.

This doesn't happen on any other place on my map. It's only those 2 rooms.
Has anyone an idea why this is happening?

Thanks for any help!


you dont have any natural sun light going into the room so this happens
fix by making a hole and put a vent model there or something


you dont have any natural sun light going into the room so this happens
fix by making a hole and put a vent model there or something

thanks, i tried this but it still happens :(

left: pap room, there is a hole in the ceiling and a vent model in there
right: random spawn room, hole in the wall with a door model in there
[IMG width="400px"][/IMG][IMG width="400px"][/IMG]


select the disappearing objects in that room (or the entire room), right click, make non umbra target.


select the disappearing objects in that room (or the entire room), right click, make non umbra target.

thanks, did this with the pap room and the random spawn room but it still happens.

this sucks - i really want to release my map to today because it's halloween and this is the last thing that stops me from doing so


thanks, did this with the pap room and the random spawn room but it still happens.

this sucks - i really want to release my map to today because it's halloween and this is the last thing that stops me from doing so

another maybe fix is that you move the entire room to a new location


another maybe fix is that you move the entire room to a new location


At the beginning my PAP Room was far away from the actual map and i thought that could be the reason
but now i completely rebuilt the PAP room in the middle of the map and this bug is still happening.

BUT i will try it anyway, i guess i don't have much options left anyway. i'll make a new and completely empty room and see if that makes a difference