Aight so I noticed a decline in boxmap releases and I'm proud of you guys. I also noticed y'all niBBas are too smart to put Brutus in to such a small map so I made an alternative which you theoretically could.
Package is drag and drop but you must manually move zm_buried_ghost.gsc to your mapname/zm/ folder
#using scripts\zm\zm_buried_ghost;
To spawn a witch use this line:
Health is an optional argument and it defaults to 100
Radiant: Copy paste your usermap actor (floating sky zombie), click remap class and change it to actor_spawner_buried_ghost Also give it the targetname witch_spawner Remove the zombie_spawner script_noteworthy
Add spawn points by placing structs and giving them the targetname witch_spot. You don't need to link zones to them
Zone: Nothing fam. Big brain mechanics are in play here.
***I'll change the archetype in the next update and I'm not making a csc for 3 fx
Update for people having trouble spawning them. Not tested!! VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV
Great addition! Will definitely be finding a way to implement this into my map. Thank you, Spiki!!
sorry for this where zm_buried_ghost :: spawn_witch (health) would be attached;
sorry for this where zm_buried_ghost :: spawn_witch (health) would be attached;
This is just a line you can add to a script function so if a trigger is activated or a door is opened it'll spawn a witch with the health argument.
Aight so I noticed a decline in boxmap releases and I'm proud of you guys. I also noticed y'all niBBas are too smart to put Brutus in to such a small map so I made an alternative which you theoretically could.
Package is drag and drop but you must manually move zm_buried_ghost.gsc to your mapname/zm/ folder
#using scripts\zm\zm_buried_ghost;
To spawn a witch use this line:
Health is an optional argument and it defaults to 100
Radiant: Copy paste your usermap actor (floating sky zombie), click remap class and change it to actor_spawner_buried_ghost Also give it the targetname witch_spawner
Add spawn points by placing structs and giving them the targetname witch_spot. You don't need to link zones to them
Zone: Nothing fam. Big brain mechanics are in play here.
***I'll change the archetype in the next update and I'm not making a csc for 3 fx
Seems Fair.
Do you think you can send me the document where you have your script?
So I have (as per the tutorial)
#using scripts\zm\zm_buried_ghost;
inside my mapname.gsc like so:
Then I have (again, as per the tutorial) the sound aliases in my mapname.szc like so:
To access your mapname.GSC you can open mod tools, right click your map name and select open map folder, then go to: scripts/zm/"zm_mapname.gsc" To access your mapname.SZC you can open your map folder as explained above, go to: sound/zoneconfig/"zm_mapname.szc"
thanks but I meant the script of the trigger to spawn a witch
You don't actually need this code to have them spawn in:
However, you could do something like this:
functionwitch(){trigger=GetEnt("witchTrigger","targetname");// You would name a trigger witchTrigger (whether it is a use, multi or whatever)triggerwaittil("trigger",player);// This waits for the trigger to be activated by a playerzm_buried_ghost::spawn_witch(health);// Then it will spawn a witch at a struct provided}// Make sure to "thread witch();" in your "function main()"
This is a basic mock up and should work unless I fucked up somewhere. Just to serve as an example.
thanks brother :D
thread witch();
function witch() { trigger = GetEnt("witchTrigger","targetname"); // You would name a trigger witchTrigger (whether it is a use, multi or whatever) trigger waittill("trigger", player); // This waits for the trigger to be activated by a player zm_buried_ghost::spawn_witch(); // Then it will spawn a witch at a struct provided }
After analyzing the code a bit, this is how I started successfully :)
thanks brother :D
thread witch();
function witch() { trigger = GetEnt("witchTrigger","targetname"); // You would name a trigger witchTrigger (whether it is a use, multi or whatever) trigger waittill("trigger", player); // This waits for the trigger to be activated by a player zm_buried_ghost::spawn_witch(); // Then it will spawn a witch at a struct provided }
After analyzing the code a bit, this is how I started successfully :)
Glad I could help
function witch_non_stop() { level endon( "intermission" );
if ( !isDefined( level.round_number ) || level.round_number < w_start_spawning_from_round || ( level flag::exists( "dog_round" ) && level flag::get( "dog_round" ) ) || !isDefined( level.zombie_total )) // If round number is less that decided above, loop back to start continue;
Was testing this, and was working because this came up every 2-3 sec "IPrintLnBold( "NO VALID SPAWN POINTS FOUND" );" from your script. script_struct = Targetname - witch_spot , script_noteworthy - witch_spawner.
So don't know how xD
Either you didn't compile the map or the struct is not in an active zone. And it doesnt have a script_noteworthy kvp
Ofc I compiled, ether would the IPrintLnBold activate ? The struct is placed beside the starting spawns in start-zone. When I didn't have a script_noteworthy, it was 2 IPrintLnBold that also said "No script noteworthy". So yes, the script_noteworthy is "witch_spawner" and the Targetname is "witch_spot".
But I hope I made this work, it sais from you that this I made would work :) So thx anyway, I'will continue my work on my last map :P
I've done everything correctly and I cannot get the witches to spawn. Any ideas?
Harry Bo21:
The struct needs to be On or abov the Floor. Not in like the ordinary spawns. Test it up ;)
Ordinary spawns should also have the origin on or above the ground mate...
that wouldn’t stop them spawning anyway they would just spawn and be stuck
Harry Bo21:
Coz the origin needs to be inside the “zone” has nothing to do with the floor
Harry Bo21:
This is just down to not setting it up properly
zombie spawns do not need to be in zones, he obv groups them by checking what sone they touch
Harry Bo21:
I know, I said I had wrong, thought wrong. But the zombie spawns can be inside the floor that is on my map Half inside the zone, so I thought it was because the floor, if you understand my thinking. But the Brutus structs and Ghost struct needed to be 100% inside the zone, not like the other zombie spawns and dog spawns.
Zombies don’t need to be in a zone at all
Harry Bo21:
That struct was between the zone and outside. After I moved it up a little, they start to spawn. How many time you say it isn't the struct. Even Spiki told me here in this, that the error can cause if it isn't inside an active zone...
I said ZOMBIE spawns do not need to be in a zone at all
look at nacht
learn to read, ive not a single time said this isn’t correct for the ghosts I said it prob is due to the code being different because the AUTHOR obv did a check for which zone the struct is in
Harry Bo21:
Omfg you were a muppet a year ago and still are now
Harry Bo21:
I responded coz you mentioned how zombies work half in the floor
I explained why so ppl who want to read things in actual English would understand, you are the one hammering out ten responses at a time
And I’m more capable modder than you will ever be mate
and it wasn’t just me every single person in discord was on your case - maybe pay attention
Harry Bo21:
Seek help mate
Harry Bo21:
Are you still ratting on
can you not turn my release page into ww2??
i'll update the script to avoid such errors ffs
also map looks nice
Harry Bo21:
can you not turn my release page into ww2??
i'll update the script to avoid such errors ffs
Too late friend
we need Switzerland
Harry Bo21:
Sorry, I was just helping one with same problem as I had, and told him I solved it. I can't help Harry started thinking that I was talking about ordinary zombies.
I never said that at any point...
Too late friend
we need Switzerland
don't involve poor symbo in this XD
Harry Bo21:
Lol I think he’s Sweden isn’t he? Lol
Harry Bo21:
I never said you were on about zombies at all
I corrected what you DID say about zombies however
and I never called you Swedish are you really that dense that you don’t know the position Sweden held during the war...
will you stfu now
this is why we got so wound up with you on discord
you make as much sense - and understand about as much as a autistic child working a keyboard with a spoon
Harry Bo21:
Not at a single point in this conversation have you had even close to a rational thought
neither have you even understood a single reply
just stop...
Harry Bo21:
You still don’t understand what I actually said
just stop mate, I literally would need a team of professionals to understand your level
Harry Bo21:
No it wasnt
Never was and never will be
now shut up already
Harry Bo21:
Yes, I have prof with pictures, that struct was between the Zone and Nothing. And they didnt spawn. After I put it In the zone, tjey start to spawn. Even you cant explain that if you dont think it was it, when I didnt do any other thing before compiling.
Are you still going on?
go back to your sand pit already
Can you 2 potatoes do me a favour and wipe this argument off my thread please
Harry Bo21:
Did he just?
he did didn’t he lmao
this again proves how you really have no idea what’s going on here lmao
you just insulted a completely different person lmao
omg this is fucking comedy gold lol
Harry Bo21:
I’ll pass the message on to him for you lmao
don’t worry I screenshotted and passed that on before you deleted it lol
You obviously know what you're talking about. Can you please tell me how to get these witches to spawn. I got them spawning like regular zombies and that's the only way I can spawn them, but that obviously isn't the correct way.
select a zone and move it down so the witch spawn struct is completely inside the zone
Attached a new gsc for people having trouble spawning them or getting connection interrupted when choosing a spawn point. Untested tho
Attached a new gsc for people having trouble spawning them or getting connection interrupted when choosing a spawn point. Untested tho
Thank You
i do not have a csc in the download
Add the zm_buried_ghost.gsc to your usermaps/mapname/zm/
there is no .csc file. you are not supposed to put a #using in the
there is no .csc file. you are not supposed to put a #using in the
I Didnt XD
oh i did didnt i XD
oh i did didnt i XD
Let me know if you get them to spawn because I've done something wrong. Idk if it's the KVP's or what it could be at this point. I can make them spawn in like normal zombies but not like witches are supposed to spawn. Good luck! Also, thank you spiki for releasing these. It was the main thing I needed for my map.
Let me know if you get them to spawn because I've done something wrong. Idk if it's the KVP's or what it could be at this point. I can make them spawn in like normal zombies but not like witches are supposed to spawn. Good luck! Also, thank you spiki for releasing these. It was the main thing I needed for my map.
i believe youre supposed to use the witch spawner i cant quite remember, thats what i did with the similar setup from brutus 2, its almost the exact same instructions
i believe youre supposed to use the witch spawner i cant quite remember, thats what i did with the similar setup from brutus 2, its almost the exact same instructions
i mean the model for the witch spawner
DO the ghosts walk through walls I don't remember
DO the ghosts walk through walls I don't remember
no they do not
aww kinda wished that they do haha, thanks for the response!
I'm have trouble spawning them correctly? Do I have to thread witch and if so how? I followed the steps in the tutorial but they still wont spawn is their a guide?
aww kinda wished that they do haha, thanks for the response!
I think they did that in 1 spot of the house in Buried, but if you remember zombies could not access the house.
What you would need to do for that I believe is make a segment of a wall that was non-colliding, and then cover over that segment with a player clip to block players from being able to walk through it. Then somewhere on the other side of that segment of wall, out of sight of the players put the witch/ghost spawn point and I imagine it wouldn't be too incredibly hard to script a trigger that will spawn one when the player walks into it. I think that's sort of what they did in buried.
If you just made a whole bunch of non-colliding walls though, your zombies would just run through them to reach the players and it would look like absolute shit.
I think they did that in 1 spot of the house in Buried, but if you remember zombies could not access the house.
What you would need to do for that I believe is make a segment of a wall that was non-colliding, and then cover over that segment with a player clip to block players from being able to walk through it. Then somewhere on the other side of that segment of wall, out of sight of the players put the witch/ghost spawn point and I imagine it wouldn't be too incredibly hard to script a trigger that will spawn one when the player walks into it. I think that's sort of what they did in buried.
If you just made a whole bunch of non-colliding walls though, your zombies would just run through them to reach the players and it would look like absolute shit.
just brush/player clip and add a texture to the surface on the visible side to the game play really......the monsters will run through it..
Anybody that can get these witches to spawn the correct way and has detailed instructions/tutorial let me know, because up to this point I've worked on them for a month straight and everything that has been mentioned in this forum hasn't worked. This is holding my map up, so I think I'm going to delete them and just go with a different theme.
Harry Bo21:
That was the point
you have to write spawn logic
look at my novas on
it’s the same thing used for them that you need
That was the point
you have to write spawn logic
look at my novas on
it’s the same thing used for them that you need
You sir, are a life saver. Now I'm going to try and figure out this logic. I bet its easy but I'm overlooking things. Thank You
how wood I go about having them spawn in a specific zone like in Buried.
how wood I go about having them spawn in a specific zone like in Buried.
With a struct in the zone you want them to spawn, activated by a trigger when a player enters that zone, or when the zone becomes active from a script flag on a debris. A spawner, a trigger and struct in any case.
With a struct in the zone you want them to spawn, activated by a trigger when a player enters that zone, or when the zone becomes active from a script flag on a debris. A spawner, a trigger and struct in any case.
Thank you so much.
Does anyone know how to replace dog rounds with these?