Game Modding | Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 | Radiant
Im looking to merge my probes so that multiple probes in a certain area can combine with one another to have the same density. Im having an issue where I click the unselected probe boxes faces to "connect" the probes together, but when i update the lighting, it always looks like there is line separating the probes, where one probe has one shade of color and the other probe has a different color.
Basically, I want to combine multiple probes into one probe so that this "line" of separation goes away. If anyone knows a solution please let me know.
And just to clarify, I do NOT want to add one large probe across my area that im trying to probe
Your issue you may be having is that when making a probe the volume has two lines, one where it is the main probe area, like you're seeing with a strong border, and then a fade off border. On default the fade of border is tiny. If while stretching the probe you press Shift Ctrl and Then drag with the left mouse button you can stretch out this fade off border. As an fyi you can stretch these fade off borders into the main body of another probe without issue, so don't let that be a deterrent. Like I said, the reason why it has two different lightings is because there is no blending of the light. It's like trying to make green by putting blue and yellow next to each other and hoping it works, If you need any other help, just message me on discord at: EuphoricKarizma#0228
Your issue you may be having is that when making a probe the volume has two lines, one where it is the main probe area, like you're seeing with a strong border, and then a fade off border. On default the fade of border is tiny. If while stretching the probe you press Shift Ctrl and Then drag with the left mouse button you can stretch out this fade off border. As an fyi you can stretch these fade off borders into the main body of another probe without issue, so don't let that be a deterrent. Like I said, the reason why it has two different lightings is because there is no blending of the light. It's like trying to make green by putting blue and yellow next to each other and hoping it works, If you need any other help, just message me on discord at: EuphoricKarizma#0228
Thanks, I read this and did a little experimenting and got them to merge pretty well, I’m gonna keep working on them though!
That's good, glad I could help. Let me know if you need any more help.