Modme Forums

115 Rock Formation

Game Modding | Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 | Radiant


Thread By: Yen466
I don't know exactly what this is, but I imagine it as a 115 ore of some sorts. I took this image out of the preview of the Old London custom map that SirJammy is in the process of making, so please let me know if any of you have any ideas, thanks! Also, if you want to check the source video, here it is and the rock appears at about 0:42.


Reply By: Yen466
I realized that I was not clear, I wanted to know if anyone knew how to make it or if that was an asset in the game somewhere, thanks!


Reply By: All0utWar
I could never find the 115 rocks in the tools. I'm assuming you'll have to port them over.


Reply By: Exofile

All0utWarI could never find the 115 rocks in the tools. I'm assuming you'll have to port them over.

Nothing of that sort has been given out with the tools, and most likely won't be. You'll either want to make your own, or export -> import it from a different game, i.e; Call of Duty Black Ops II.


Reply By: myntz
You could export model and textures from DE/ZNS/GK, set them up in APE (really easy) and use in your map. Not sure if that's an emissive texture, but you'd have to set up some lights to get the glow looking right.