Modme Forums

Custom Wonder Weapon Help

Game Modding | Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 | Models & Animation


At the moment I am working on a custom zombie map, and so far it's turning out pretty good, but its nothing too spectacular. I was wondering if anyone on here has modeled custom weapons before, and if so if they could make and animate a custom weapon for my map. I am willing to pay. Let me know. Thanks.


At the moment I am working on a custom zombie map, and so far it's turning out pretty good, but its nothing too spectacular. I was wondering if anyone on here has modeled custom weapons before, and if so if they could make and animate a custom weapon for my map. I am willing to pay. Let me know. Thanks.

if i could see pics or the layout of the weapon i could see why not and i wouldnt want paying as we are a commuity we help out each other


The barrel rotates like a gatling gun when firing the shotgun portion of it, while the assault rifle portion would be similar to the grenade launcher attachment how you press a button to switch modes, the black bar on the side is the clip insert for the gun, and to reload the gatling portion there is a strip of shells similar to how the browning reloads in world at war, you lift the handle part forward to slide it in, theres a handle with a trigger on the bottom and a handle in the back with the trigger for the gatling portion. If you need more info just ask, I made some mock drawings that you can go off of, if you need more angles i can draw them, and I apologize for the low quality. If possible I want different textures and such for the gun like it was shambled together, like using duct tape to hold parts together, random wooden handle, one of the barrels being made of cracked pvc pipe, and others being rusty. All these things are why I was willing to pay lol. The pics are attached. The one on the left is more the style I want, but its messy, while the one on the right is cleaner but a bit too small. Here's the link to the picture:
Test Drawing


alright pal ill see what a guy like me can do it wont be a quick project as stuff like this takes time but ill keep you posted


alright pal ill see what a guy like me can do it wont be a quick project as stuff like this takes time but ill keep you posted

Thank you so much bud. If you wanna keep in contact with me or would like to see the map that you're helping me with, my discord is: EuphoricKarizma#0228


ill add you soon pal nw