Game Modding | Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 | Scripting
Hi, how can i do a "Rotative Powerup" like the "ShangriLa Monkey steal the powerup" in the powerups you get killing zombies? Is with GSC and CSC? Only CSC?
Hello Spiki, I suck at scripting and I seen this and thought it would be pretty cool. But my question is can you add a cost to the power-up? Any help would be awesome.
Hello Spiki, I suck at scripting and I seen this and thought it would be pretty cool. But my question is can you add a cost to the power-up? Any help would be awesome.
So you want to buy a powerup but it switches like shangrila? I dont understand exactly what you want
What I was thinking was having a power-up in different locations and have a trigger that you could buy them like a perk machine for power-up's
Thanks for reply Spiki. With your script i have this error: Uninitialized local variable 'some_struct' I changed your script with this:
Works fine the "rotative". Problems: The first powerup dropped by a zombie dont disappears and begin the "rotative powerups" in the middle . The second powerup dropped by a zombie not do the "rotative powerups".
What I was thinking was having a power-up in different locations and have a trigger that you could buy them like a perk machine for power-up's
Works fine the "rotative". Problems: The first powerup dropped by a zombie dont disappears and begin the "rotative powerups" in the middle . The second powerup dropped by a zombie not do the "rotative powerups".
Your script and now this one will only work for 1 powerup at a time