Hi, I'm asking for help with a script for a boss fight with the features. > That lasts 8 min. > To open a door at the end of time. > That generates 8 panzer soldat every 2 min. > That continuously generate zombies. > That plays a song. I'm asking for help since I don't know how the script works on a map and I would love to put this boss fighting on the map. in return I can offer credits on the map, add him as the map contributor. I know it's not much, but I would really appreciate the help.
The fight starts when you touch a trigger, then when certain amount of time pass (8 min your case) a door open and show a text in screen.
I try to add the music but I couldn't do it, so to fix it I put a musical ee teddy near the script so you can activate the song if you want or not.
The only thing you need to do it's add the Panzer and zombie continuously spawn.
Now, I made this script with try and error and using a lot of scripts to see how it works, so if there's any problem I can try to solve it but I know there's a lot of people here in the forum who can do it a thousands times better.
Sorry for my english and hope it helps.
//Open your map GSC file and above "zm_usermap::main();" paste this://Boss Fightthreadboss_fight();//At the bottom of the gsc paste this://Boss Fightfunctionboss_fight(){trig=GetEnt("bf_trig","targetname");door=GetEnt("bf_door","targetname");trigwaittill("trigger",player);//Boss fightlevelflag::set("spawn_zombies");//Start zombie spawnwait(480);//Fight time//Clear zombieszombies=zombie_utility::get_round_enemy_array();if(isdefined(zombies)){array::run_all(zombies,&Kill);}IPrintLnBold("DOOR OPEN");//Messsage in screendoorDelete();//Delete doortrigDelete();//Delete trigger}
After adding the script, open your map in Radiant and place a "script_brushmodel" using a clip texture with the targetname "bf_door". This is the door that will dissapear after the fight. Then add a "script_multiple" wherever you want to activate the fight. This will activate the fight when you touch the script.
The fight starts when you touch a trigger, then when certain amount of time pass (8 min your case) a door open and show a text in screen.
I try to add the music but I couldn't do it, so to fix it I put a musical ee teddy near the script so you can activate the song if you want or not.
The only thing you need to do it's add the Panzer and zombie continuously spawn.
Now, I made this script with try and error and using a lot of scripts to see how it works, so if there's any problem I can try to solve it but I know there's a lot of people here in the forum who can do it a thousands times better.
Sorry for my english and hope it helps.
//Open your map GSC file and above "zm_usermap::main();" paste this://Boss Fightthreadboss_fight();//At the bottom of the gsc paste this://Boss Fightfunctionboss_fight(){trig=GetEnt("bf_trig","targetname");door=GetEnt("bf_door","targetname");trigwaittill("trigger",player);//Boss fightlevelflag::set("spawn_zombies");//Start zombie spawnwait(480);//Fight time//Clear zombieszombies=zombie_utility::get_round_enemy_array();if(isdefined(zombies)){array::run_all(zombies,&Kill);}IPrintLnBold("DOOR OPEN");//Messsage in screendoorDelete();//Delete doortrigDelete();//Delete trigger}
After adding the script, open your map in Radiant and place a "script_brushmodel" using a clip texture with the targetname "bf_door". This is the door that will dissapear after the fight. Then add a "script_multiple" wherever you want to activate the fight. This will activate the fight when you touch the script.
And that's it, just compile and link your map.
thank you very much bro really let me try the script and tell you what happens :D what language do you speak? can I add you as a creator brother? or do you want any mention on the map bro?
thank you very much bro really let me try the script and tell you what happens :D what language do you speak? can I add you as a creator brother? or do you want any mention on the map bro?
Yeah let me know
I speak spanish and np, with the credit is fine
Yeah let me know
I speak spanish and np, with the credit is fine
Genial igual hablo español 😄 pero si me gustaría de alguna manera hacer alguna referencia a ti bro