Game Modding | Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 | General Discussion
Everytime I try and load my game up from the modtools launcher to test my map this shows up
"the full thing is down below the picture"
Command line: +set fs_game zm_nuked +devmap zm_nuked
Error: Waited 241 msec for missing asset "debug_sphere_exterior".
Error: Could not find material "debug_sphere_exterior".
Error: Could not find material "debug_sphere_interior".
Error: Could not find material "debug_sphere_exterior_nodepth".
Error: Could not find material "debug_sphere_interior_nodepth".
Error: Could not find material "logo".
Error: Could not find material "mc/infrared_white".
Error: Could not find material "mc/hud_outline_model_green".
Error: Could not find material "mc/hud_outline_model_red".
Error: Could not find material "mc/hud_outline_model_orange".
Error: Could not find material "mc/hud_outline_model_white".
Error: Could not find material "mc/hud_outline_model_green_alpha".
Error: Could not find material "mc/hud_outline_model_red_alpha".
Error: Could not find material "mc/hud_outline_model_orange_alpha".
Error: Could not find material "mc/hud_outline_model_white_alpha".
Error: Could not find material "mc/hud_outline_model_green_calpha".
Error: Could not find material "mc/hud_outline_model_red_calpha".
Error: Could not find material "mc/hud_outline_model_orange_calpha".
Error: Could not find material "mc/hud_outline_model_white_calpha".
Error: Could not find material "mc/hud_outline_model_z_green".
Error: Could not find material "mc/hud_outline_model_z_red".
Error: Could not find material "mc/hud_outline_model_z_orange".
Error: Could not find material "mc/hud_outline_model_z_white".
Error: Could not find material "mc/hud_outline_model_z_green_alpha".
Error: Could not find material "mc/hud_outline_model_z_red_alpha".
Error: Could not find material "mc/hud_outline_model_z_orange_alpha".
Error: Could not find material "mc/hud_outline_model_z_white_alpha".
Error: Could not find material "mc/hud_outline_model_z_green_calpha".
Error: Could not find material "mc/hud_outline_model_z_red_calpha".
Error: Could not find material "mc/hud_outline_model_z_orange_calpha".
Error: Could not find material "mc/hud_outline_model_z_white_calpha".
Error: Could not find material "mc/sonar_weakpoint".
Error: Could not find material "mc/hud_outline_model_scriptint".
Error: Could not find material "mc/hud_outline_model_alpha_scriptint".
Error: Could not find material "mc/hud_outline_model_calpha_scriptint".
Error: Could not find material "mc/hud_outline_model_z_scriptint".
Error: Could not find material "mc/hud_outline_model_zonly_scriptint".
Error: Could not find material "mc/hud_outline_model_z_alpha_scriptint".
Error: Could not find material "mc/hud_outline_model_z_calpha_scriptint".
Error: Could not find material "mc/sonar_frontend_normal".
Error: Could not find material "mc/sonar_frontend_locked_gun".
Error: Could not find material "mc/sonar_frontend_token_locked_gun".
Error: Could not find material "fontcache".
Error: Could not find material "fontcache_distfield".
Error: Could not find material "fontcache_glow".
Error: Could not find material "fontcache_outline".
Error: Could not find material "fontcache_shadow".
Error: Could not find material "lui_loader_no_offset".
Error: Waited 14133 msec for missing asset "mod.cfg".
Error: couldn't exec mod.cfg
Error: couldn't exec zm_mod.cfg
Error: couldn't exec mod.cfg
Error: couldn't exec zm_mod.cfg
Error: Could not find material "specialty_instakill_zombies".
Error: Could not find material "specialty_doublepoints_zombies".
Error: Could not find material "specialty_doublepoints_zombies_blue".
Error: Could not find material "specialty_firesale_zombies".
Error: Could not find material "zom_icon_bonfire".
Error: Could not find material "t7_hud_zm_powerup_deathmachine".
Error: Could not find material "t7_zm_hd_specialty_zmblood".
Error: Could not find material "specialty_giant_instakill_zombies".
Error: Could not find material "specialty_giant_doublepoints_zombies".
Error: Could not find material "specialty_giant_firesale_zombies".
Error: Could not find material "t7_hud_zm_powerup_giant_deathmachine".
Error: Could not find weapon "sten_zm".
Error: Could not find weapon "smg_ak74u_zm".
Error: Could not find weapon "smg_ak74u_upgraded_zm".
Error: Could not find weapon "ar_fastburst_zm".
Error: Could not find weapon "ar_m14_zm".
Error: Could not find weapon "ar_m14_upgraded_zm".
Error: Could not find weapon "ar_fastburst_upgraded_zm".
Error: Could not find weapon "lmg_rpk_zm".
Error: Could not find weapon "lmg_rpk_upgraded_zm".
Error: Could not find weapon "sniper_chargeshot_zm".
Error: Could not find weapon "sniper_chargeshot_upgraded_zm".
Error: Could not find weapon "pistol_standard_dw_zm".
Error: Could not find weapon "pistol_burst_dw_zm".
Error: Could not find weapon "pistol_fullauto_dw_zm".
Error: Could not find weapon "pistol_m1911_zm".
Error: Could not find weapon "pistol_m1911_upgraded_zm".
Error: Could not find weapon "pistol_shotgun_zm".
Error: Could not find weapon "pistol_shotgun_dw_zm".
Error: Could not find weapon "pistol_shotgun_upgraded_zm".
Error: Could not find weapon "pistol_shotgun_dw_upgraded_zm".
Error: Could not find weapon "launcher_lockonly_zm".
Error: Could not find weapon "launcher_lockonly_upgraded_zm".
Error: Could not find weapon "knife_loadout_zm".
Error: Could not find weapon "skull_gun_zm".
Error: Could not find weapon "skull_gun_upgraded_zm".
Error: Could not find weapon "zombie_cymbal_monkey_zm".
Error: Could not find weapon "zombie_weapon_octobomb_zm".
Error: Could not find weapon "thompson_zm".
Error: Could not find weapon "special_crossbow_zm".
Error: Could not find weapon "weapon_null_zm".
Error: Could not find material "specialty_ads_zombies".
Error: Could not find material "specialty_doubletap_zombies".
Error: Could not find material "specialty_extraprimaryweapon_zombies".
Error: Could not find material "specialty_fastreload_zombies".
Error: Could not find material "specialty_juggernaut_zombies".
Error: Could not find material "specialty_marathon_zombies".
Error: Could not find material "specialty_quickrevive_zombies".
Error: Could not find material "specialty_widows_wine_zombies".
Error: Could not find material "zom_icon_minigun".
Error: Could not find fx "_t6/misc/fx_zombie_cola_revive_on".
Error: Could not find fx "dlc3/stalingrad/fx_cymbal_monkey_radial_pulse".
Error: Could not find fx "dlc5/zmhd/fx_zombie_quad_gas_nova6".
Error: Could not find fx "dlc5/zmhd/fx_zombie_quad_trail".
Error: Could not find fx "impacts/fx_flesh_hit".
Error: Could not find fx "misc/fx_zombie_bloodsplat".
Error: Could not find fx "misc/fx_zombie_bloodspurt".
Error: Could not find fx "misc/fx_zombie_eye_single".
Error: Could not find fx "trail/fx_trail_blood_streak".
Error: Could not find fx "weapon/bullet/fx_flesh_gib_fatal_01".
Error: Could not find fx "electric/fx_ability_elec_surge_short_robot_optim".
Error: Could not find fx "electric/fx_elec_burst_lg_z270_os".
Error: Could not find fx "impacts/fx_flesh_hit_knife_lg_zmb".
Error: Could not find fx "light/fx_light_spark_chest_zombie_optim".
Error: Could not find fx "zombie/fx_bmode_attack_grapple_zod_zmb".
Error: Could not find material "minimap_icon_mystery_box".
Error: Could not find material "zom_icon_community_pot".
Error: Could not find material "zom_icon_community_pot_strip".
Error: Could not find material "zom_icon_player_life".
Error: Could not find fx "_t6/maps/zombie/fx_zmb_tanzit_upgrade".
Error: Could not find fx "_t6/maps/zombie/fx_zmb_tranzit_electrap_explo".
Error: Could not find fx "_t6/maps/zombie/fx_zombie_bar_break".
Error: Could not find fx "_t6/maps/zombie/fx_zombie_bar_break_lite".
Error: Could not find fx "_t6/maps/zombie/fx_zombie_tesla_neck_spurt".
Error: Could not find fx "_t6/misc/fx_zombie_cola_jugg_on".
Error: Could not find fx "_t6/misc/fx_zombie_cola_on".
Error: Could not find fx "_t6/maps/zombie/fx_mp_zombie_body_snow_falling".
Error: Could not find fx "_t6/maps/zombie/fx_mp_zombie_body_water_billowing".
Error: Could not find fx "_t6/maps/zombie/fx_mp_zombie_hand_snow_burst".
Error: Could not find fx "_t6/maps/zombie/fx_mp_zombie_hand_water_burst".
Error: Could not find fx "_t6/maps/zombie/fx_zombie_body_wtr_falling".
Error: Could not find fx "_t6/misc/fx_ui_flagbase_pmc".
Error: Could not find fx "_t6/weapon/riotshield/fx_riotshield_depoly_dust".
Error: Could not find fx "_t6/weapon/riotshield/fx_riotshield_depoly_lights".
Error: Could not find fx "killstreaks/fx_heli_chaff".
Error: Could not find fx "lensflares/fx_lensflare_sniper_glint".
Error: Could not find fx "player/fx_plyr_clone_reaper_appear".
Error: Could not find fx "player/fx_plyr_clone_reaper_orb".
Error: Could not find fx "player/fx_plyr_clone_vanish".
Error: Could not find fx "player/fx_plyr_flashback_trail_impact".
Error: Could not find fx "player/fx_plyr_rejack_light".
Error: Could not find fx "player/fx_plyr_revive".
Error: Could not find fx "player/fx_plyr_revive_demat".
Error: Could not find fx "vehicle/fx_quadtank_airburst".
Error: Could not find fx "vehicle/fx_quadtank_airburst_ground".
Error: Could not find fx "weapon/fx_betty_light_blue".
Error: Could not find fx "weapon/fx_betty_light_orng".
Error: Could not find fx "weapon/fx_hero_pineapple_trail_blue".
Error: Could not find fx "weapon/fx_hero_pineapple_trail_orng".
Error: Could not find fx "animals/fx_bio_direwolf_eyes".
Error: Could not find fx "dlc1/castle/fx_mech_dmg_armor".
Error: Could not find fx "dlc1/castle/fx_mech_dmg_armor_face".
Error: Could not find fx "dlc1/castle/fx_mech_dmg_body_light".
Error: Could not find fx "dlc1/castle/fx_mech_dmg_knee_sparks".
Error: Could not find fx "dlc1/castle/fx_mech_dmg_sparks".
Error: Could not find fx "dlc1/castle/fx_mech_foot_step".
Error: Could not find fx "dlc1/castle/fx_mech_foot_step_steam".
Error: Could not find fx "dlc1/castle/fx_mech_head_light".
Error: Could not find fx "dlc1/castle/fx_mech_light_dmg".
Error: Could not find fx "dlc1/castle/fx_mech_wpn_flamethrower".
Error: Could not find fx "dlc1/castle/fx_wpn_115_muz".
Error: Could not find fx "dlc2/island/fx_spores_cloud_ambient_lrg".
Error: Could not find fx "dlc2/island/fx_spores_cloud_ambient_md".
Error: Could not find fx "dlc2/island/fx_spores_cloud_ambient_sm".
Error: Could not find fx "dlc2/island/fx_thrash_chest_mouth_drool_1p".
Error: Could not find fx "dlc2/island/fx_thrash_eye_glow".
Error: Could not find fx "dlc2/island/fx_thrash_eye_glow_rage".
Error: Could not find fx "dlc2/island/fx_thrash_pustule_burst".
Error: Could not find fx "dlc2/island/fx_thrash_pustule_impact".
Error: Could not find fx "dlc2/island/fx_thrash_pustule_reinflate".
Error: Could not find fx "dlc2/island/fx_thrash_pustule_spore_exp".
Error: Could not find fx "dlc2/island/fx_thrash_rage_gas_leg_lft".
Error: Could not find fx "dlc2/island/fx_thrash_rage_gas_leg_rgt".
Error: Could not find fx "dlc2/island/fx_thrash_rage_gas_torso".
Error: Could not find fx "electric/fx_ability_elec_surge_short_robot".
Error: Could not find fx "electric/fx_elec_warlord_damage_1".
Error: Could not find fx "electric/fx_elec_warlord_damage_2".
Error: Could not find fx "electric/fx_elec_warlord_lower_damage_1".
Error: Could not find fx "electric/fx_elec_warlord_lower_damage_2".
Error: Could not find fx "explosions/fx_exp_robot_stage3_evb".
Error: Could not find fx "explosions/fx_exp_warlord_death".
Error: Could not find fx "light/fx_light_body_glow_warlord".
Error: Could not find fx "light/fx_light_eye_glow_warlord".
Error: Could not find fx "player/fx_loot_taunt_e_reaper_main_03".
Error: Could not find fx "player/fx_loot_taunt_outrider_talon_lights".
Error: Could not find fx "player/fx_plyr_ability_screen_blur_overdrive".
Error: Could not find fx "player/fx_plyr_flashback_trail".
Error: Could not find fx "player/fx_plyr_heat_wave_distortion_volume".
Error: Could not find fx "player/fx_plyr_heat_wave_distortion_volume_air".
Error: Could not find fx "player/fx_plyr_shock_field".
Error: Could not find fx "player/fx_plyr_shock_field_1p".
Error: Could not find fx "vehicle/fx_exhaust_jetpack_warlord_juke".
Error: Could not find fx "weapon/fx_hero_blackjack_beam_source".
Error: Could not find fx "weapon/fx_hero_blackjack_beam_target".
Error: Could not find fx "zombie/fx_margwa_head_shot_zod_zmb".
Error: Could not find fx "zombie/fx_margwa_roar_purple_zod_zmb".
Error: Could not find fx "zombie/fx_margwa_roar_zod_zmb".
Error: Could not find fx "zombie/fx_margwa_teleport_intro_zod_zmb".
Error: Could not find fx "zombie/fx_margwa_teleport_tell_zod_zmb".
Error: Could not find fx "zombie/fx_margwa_teleport_travel_zod_zmb".
Error: Could not find fx "zombie/fx_margwa_teleport_zod_zmb".
Error: Could not find fx "zombie/fx_val_chest_burst".
Error: Could not find tagfx "ability_hero_heat_wave_player_impact".
Error: Could not find tagfx "gadget_flashback_3p_off".
Error: Could not find weapon "t8_for king & country_zm".
Error: Could not find weapon "ball_zm".
Error: Could not find weapon "ball".
Error: Could not find weapon "gadget_resurrect_zm".
Error: Could not find weapon "gadget_resurrect".
Error: Could not find weapon "dragon_gauntlet_zm".
Error: Could not find weapon "dragon_gauntlet".
Error: Could not find weapon "proximity_grenade_zm".
Error: Could not find weapon "proximity_grenade".
Error: Could not find weapon "syrette_zod_beast_zm".
Error: Could not find weapon "pistol_shotgun".
Error: Could not find weapon "pistol_shotgun_upgraded".
Error: Could not find weapon "launcher_lockon_zm".
Error: Could not find weapon "launcher_lockon".
Error: Could not find weapon "launcher_lockonly".
Error: Could not find navvolume "maps/zm/zm_nuked_navvolume".
Error: Could not find rawfile "gamedata/constbaselines/zm/bl_little_endian_zm_nuked_zclassic.bin".
Error: Could not find structuredtable "gamedata/tables/common/mod_game_types.json".
Error: Could not find scriptparsetree "scripts/zm/".
Com_ERROR: Error linking script 'scripts/zm/'
Error linking script 'scripts/zm/'
This error I have encountered from a few things and they're often not related to what it displays on there. Its gonna be script related most likely. You've put something in the wrong place or deleted/added a character or symbol somewhere by accident.
This error I have encountered from a few things and they're often not related to what it displays on there. Its gonna be script related most likely. You've put something in the wrong place or deleted/added a character or symbol somewhere by accident.
This is my csc, do you see anything wrong?
#using scripts\codescripts\struct;
#using scripts\shared\audio_shared;
#using scripts\shared\callbacks_shared;
#using scripts\shared\clientfield_shared;
#using scripts\shared\exploder_shared;
#using scripts\shared\scene_shared;
#using scripts\shared\util_shared;
#insert scripts\shared\shared.gsh;
#insert scripts\shared\version.gsh;
#using scripts\zm\_load;
#using scripts\zm\_zm_weapons;
#using scripts\zm\_zm_pack_a_punch;
#using scripts\zm\_zm_perk_additionalprimaryweapon;
#using scripts\zm\_zm_perk_doubletap2;
#using scripts\zm\_zm_perk_deadshot;
#using scripts\zm\_zm_perk_juggernaut;
#using scripts\zm\_zm_perk_quick_revive;
#using scripts\zm\_zm_perk_sleight_of_hand;
#using scripts\zm\_zm_perk_staminup;
#using scripts\zm\_zm_ai_quad;
#using scripts\zm\_zm_powerup_double_points;
#using scripts\zm\_zm_powerup_carpenter;
#using scripts\zm\_zm_powerup_fire_sale;
#using scripts\zm\_zm_powerup_free_perk;
#using scripts\zm\_zm_powerup_full_ammo;
#using scripts\zm\_zm_powerup_insta_kill;
#using scripts\zm\_zm_powerup_nuke;
#using scripts\zm\_zm_trap_electric;
#using scripts\zm\zm_usermap;
function main()
util::waitforclient( 0 );
function include_weapons()
zm_weapons::load_weapon_spec_from_table("gamedata/weapons/zm/zm_levelcommon_weapons.csv", 1);
not really.... do you have anything that requires lua? if so you need l3akmod but idk if that would crash your map or not
whats your gsc and zone look like
#using scripts\codescripts\struct;
#using scripts\shared\array_shared;
#using scripts\shared\callbacks_shared;
#using scripts\shared\clientfield_shared;
#using scripts\shared\compass;
#using scripts\shared\exploder_shared;
#using scripts\shared\flag_shared;
#using scripts\shared\laststand_shared;
#using scripts\shared\math_shared;
#using scripts\shared\scene_shared;
#using scripts\shared\util_shared;
#insert scripts\shared\shared.gsh;
#insert scripts\shared\version.gsh;
#insert scripts\zm\_zm_utility.gsh;
#using scripts\zm\_load;
#using scripts\zm\_zm;
#using scripts\zm\_zm_audio;
#using scripts\zm\_zm_powerups;
#using scripts\zm\_zm_utility;
#using scripts\zm\_zm_weapons;
#using scripts\zm\_zm_zonemgr;
#using scripts\shared\ai\zombie_utility;
#using scripts\zm\_zm_pack_a_punch;
#using scripts\zm\_zm_pack_a_punch_util;
#using scripts\zm\_zm_perk_additionalprimaryweapon;
#using scripts\zm\_zm_perk_doubletap2;
#using scripts\zm\_zm_perk_deadshot;
#using scripts\zm\_zm_perk_juggernaut;
#using scripts\zm\_zm_perk_quick_revive;
#using scripts\zm\_zm_perk_sleight_of_hand;
#using scripts\zm\_zm_perk_staminup;
#using scripts\zm\_zm_ai_quad;
#using scripts\zm\_zm_powerup_double_points;
#using scripts\zm\_zm_powerup_carpenter;
#using scripts\zm\_zm_powerup_fire_sale;
#using scripts\zm\_zm_powerup_free_perk;
#using scripts\zm\_zm_powerup_full_ammo;
#using scripts\zm\_zm_powerup_insta_kill;
#using scripts\zm\_zm_powerup_nuke;
//#using scripts\zm\_zm_powerup_weapon_minigun;
#using scripts\zm\_zm_trap_electric;
#using scripts\zm\zm_usermap;
function main()
startingWeapon = "t8_welling";
weapon = getWeapon(startingWeapon);
level.start_weapon = (weapon);
level._zombie_custom_add_weapons =&custom_add_weapons;
//Setup the levels Zombie Zone Volumes
level.zones = [];
level.zone_manager_init_func =&usermap_test_zone_init;
init_zones[0] = "start_zone";
level thread zm_zonemgr::manage_zones( init_zones );
level.pathdist_type = PATHDIST_ORIGINAL;
function usermap_test_zone_init()
level flag::init( "always_on" );
level flag::set( "always_on" );
function custom_add_weapons()
zm_weapons::load_weapon_spec_from_table("gamedata/weapons/zm/zm_levelcommon_weapons.csv", 1);
// BSP
// Audio
// Weapons
// T6 Hazmats
i have this same error happend after i installed the nova crawlers from harry
i have this same error happend after i installed the nova crawlers from harry
yeah harry said that i should add these
he said they may work im trying them out right now
they dont work
I haven't messed with these yet but I know they work.
Make sure you have downloaded and installed Harry's FX and you have these lines
// Add to zm_mapname.gsc
#using scripts\zm\_zm_ai_quad;
// Add to
#using scripts\zm\_zm_ai_quad;
// Add to
I haven't messed with these yet but I know they work.
Make sure you have downloaded and installed Harry's FX and you have these lines
// Add to zm_mapname.gsc
#using scripts\zm\_zm_ai_quad;
// Add to
#using scripts\zm\_zm_ai_quad;
// Add to
yeah it is wierd
Think it could be with the spawner the linker gets mixed up with them
Think it could be with the spawner the linker gets mixed up with them
this happens when you've fucked up haha nah common problem if it says your csc its likely something you put in your csc, retrace your steps perhaps your adding something that doesn't have a csc only a gsc
So go backwards then forwards try try again
The rest of the crap in that error box doesn't matter just think of it as a massive shit spasm because you couldn't unbuckle in time
this happens when you've fucked up haha nah common problem if it says your csc its likely something you put in your csc, retrace your steps perhaps your adding something that doesn't have a csc only a gsc
So go backwards then forwards try try again
The rest of the crap in that error box doesn't matter just think of it as a massive shit spasm because you couldn't unbuckle in time
ohhhhh my bad haha
Harry Bo21:
yeah harry said that i should add these
he said they may work im trying them out right now