Modme Forums

[HELP] How can I make a light house

Game Modding | Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 | Radiant


Thread By: ItalianMilkMan

Im remastering COTD and im stuck on how I can do the light house's walls. I have tried using cylinders for the walls and then moving the verts to give the wall that inwards slope which all lighthouses have, which was successful. The issue is, is that the walls need to have holes in them (Barriers, doors, etc.). I am unable to make the holes for the barries and doors in the cylinder. Is there some way to cut out holes in clips? If not, how would I go about making the lighthouse.

NOTE: I have looked through all the COTD xmodels in wraith, and the light house walls are not present there, unfortunatly. Which is why I need to make it in radiant.


Reply By: Wild

I don't work with cylinders that much but if its the same as normal patches you can try adding loop cuts an placing them where the barrier is and sizing it to the size of the barries. Then you can split the verticies by selecting them and pressing, I believe it's CTRL+SHIFT+X to slip them. Then just delete what you don't want. You can try that but like I said I don't work with cylinders much so I am not 100% sure if it works the same.


Reply By: ItalianMilkMan


I don't work with cylinders that much but if its the same as normal patches you can try adding loop cuts an placing them where the barrier is and sizing it to the size of the barries. Then you can split the verticies by selecting them and pressing, I believe it's CTRL+SHIFT+X to slip them. Then just delete what you don't want. You can try that but like I said I don't work with cylinders much so I am not 100% sure if it works the same.

Thanks for the quick reply! What is a loop cut though? I was playing around with splitting the verts and it seems like it could work, but im not sure what a loop cut is. Thank you


Reply By: Wild


I don't work with cylinders that much but if its the same as normal patches you can try adding loop cuts an placing them where the barrier is and sizing it to the size of the barries. Then you can split the verticies by selecting them and pressing, I believe it's CTRL+SHIFT+X to slip them. Then just delete what you don't want. You can try that but like I said I don't work with cylinders much so I am not 100% sure if it works the same.

Thanks for the quick reply! What is a loop cut though? I was playing around with splitting the verts and it seems like it could work, but im not sure what a loop cut is. Thank you

Its adding verts. You select two verts and Press CRTL+SHIFT+A to create one and CRTL+SHIFT+Q to remove them...If you watch JBird's tutorial on patches he explains it :)


Reply By: ItalianMilkMan


I don't work with cylinders that much but if its the same as normal patches you can try adding loop cuts an placing them where the barrier is and sizing it to the size of the barries. Then you can split the verticies by selecting them and pressing, I believe it's CTRL+SHIFT+X to slip them. Then just delete what you don't want. You can try that but like I said I don't work with cylinders much so I am not 100% sure if it works the same.

Thanks for the quick reply! What is a loop cut though? I was playing around with splitting the verts and it seems like it could work, but im not sure what a loop cut is. Thank you

Its adding verts. You select two verts and Press CRTL+SHIFT+A to create one and CRTL+SHIFT+Q to remove them...If you watch JBird's tutorial on patches he explains it :)

I looked into Jbirds video, but the method does not work with cylinders. Do you know of any other ways I could make this light house? Also thanks, youve helped me alot so far :D


Reply By: JayZM

I highly doubt they used the cylinder tool for the lighthouse, it's probably a ton of patches put together and then thickened.


Reply By: ItalianMilkMan


I highly doubt they used the cylinder tool for the lighthouse, it's probably a ton of patches put together and then thickened.

Yeah patches were going to be my next attempt. The hard part with patches though would be turning the patch into a perfect cylinder shape by hand.

Still havnt started on the lighthouse just in case anyone else comes here with some good ideas. Thanks for your input though! :)