Game Modding | Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 | Scripting
How do you make the perk machines visible in Radiant?
Hello [USER=1648]@Chroma[/USER], Normally it should be visible from the base. You can find them here: Prefab Browser / zm / zm_core / vending_ [name] _struct.
Bonjour [USER=1648]@Chroma[/USER], Normalement il doit etre visible de base. Tu peux les trouver ici : Prefab Browser / zm / zm_core / vending_[name]_struct.
Hello [USER=1648]@Chroma[/USER], Normally it should be visible from the base. You can find them here: Prefab Browser / zm / zm_core / vending_ [name] _struct.
Bonjour [USER=1648]@Chroma[/USER], Normalement il doit etre visible de base. Tu peux les trouver ici : Prefab Browser / zm / zm_core / vending_[name]_struct.
I can't find the perk machine models anywhere in radiant or APE, actually. The perks in radiant only show up at the entity cubes.
You need to install the dlc assets, it's about 90gb so make sure you have the space. You will need to open steam go to tools right click on bo3 modtools and then go to properties. Here is an example
You need to install the dlc assets, it's about 90gb so make sure you have the space. You will need to open steam go to tools right click on bo3 modtools and then go to properties. Here is an example
Harry Bo21: