Gorod krovi lockdown script
Game Modding | Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 | Scripting
I couldn’t find a download for something like the gorod krovi lockdown anywhere, if anyone is able to script this or make something that does what the gorod krovi lockdown does that would be awesome, thanks
captain staby:
I couldn’t find a download for something like the gorod krovi lockdown anywhere, if anyone is able to script this or make something that does what the gorod krovi lockdown does that would be awesome, thanks
hey dude just came across ur post I've been learning to script myself only started 3 months ago so I ain't a pro but I have 3 lockdown in my custom scripted ee they all slightly different but this is a copy paste of mine I learnt from ice grenades script tutorials and sharpgamers4yous script tutorials only a few vids explain alot very well worth a look in your spare time👍
function LockDown1()//thread this function in your Main
//declare items and if not hidden obvs will show
LD1button = GetEnt("LD1button", "targetname");
LD1button_trigger = GetEnt("LD1button_trigger", "targetname");
LD1doorA = GetEnt("LD1doorA", "targetname");
LD1clipA = GetEnt("LD1clipA", "targetname");
LD1doorB = GetEnt("LD1doorB", "targetname");
LD1clipB = GetEnt("LD1clipB", "targetname");
LD1button_trigger hide();
I have other stuff declared and going on befor this section that's why the triggers hidden untill we get to this stage in the easter egg depends on how you want it to play out
//function LockDown1
LD1button_trigger show();
LD1button_trigger SetHintString("Press &&1 to start lockdown");
LD1button_trigger waittill("trigger", player);
playFX(level._effect["powerup_grabbed_red"], LD1button_trigger.origin);
player playsound("zmb_cha_ching");
LD1button_trigger Delete();
LD1doorA movez(128,0.1); // my doors and clips are under my map
LD1clipA movez(128,0.1); //this moves them up into place
LD1doorB movez(128,0.1);
LD1clipB movez(128,0.1);
iprintlnbold("lockdown started");
wait(300); //seconds locked down
LD1doorA delete();
LD1clipA delete();
LD1doorB delete();
LD1clipB delete();
iprintlnbold("lockdown complete");
just copy targetnames to ur script_models
oh and I had to make routes for zombies outside of the lockdown to traverse through a window with a player clip forgot about that bit hope this helped