As seen in the map Fort Rapture I give you the Victis crew ported directly from Tag der Toten, these are 1:1 ports so there shouldn't be any issues, but do let me know if you find anything wrong.
I forgot to rename and include an asset, right now the misty full-body included in the download is not working correctly, and the ape asset is pointing to an asset called "test.xmodel_bin" this file is now a separate link to avoid re-uploading the whole thing, download it and add it to the correct folder.
Keep an eye out for future releases ;) Many thanks to Scobalula for his amazing tools Thanks to KINGSLAYER for his hud icons
Cool story bro. Port over the lighthouse next, cheers thanks!
Nobody else was willing to find those hashes so credit should be given where it is due.
Amazing job dude, well done.
Very Nice thank you for the share
Dang you beat me to it
Good job anyways
Thank you!
verryy niceee
Arl the Grand:
This is really cool. Perhaps ultimis next...?
This is really cool. Perhaps ultimis next...?
They're already in bo3, and before you say "BO4 ones look different", no.. no they don't they look the same it's pointless
They're already in bo3, and before you say "BO4 ones look different", no.. no they don't they look the same it's pointless
Yeah, lol Really the only thing different is probably the textures being higher quality
Harry Bo21:
Yeah, lol Really the only thing different is probably the textures being higher quality
No - they are not
the 2 engines are basically the same and tons of assets got reused
Instead of Ultimis, how about Dead of the Night crew? 😅
Instead of Ultimis, how about Dead of the Night crew? 😅
I already have the hashes and I'm planning on doing them soon
I already have the hashes and I'm planning on doing them soon
Ufff excelent 😀
Getting an error when linking my map
ERROR:Couldnotfindxmodelfile:_black_ops_4\characters\c_misty\test.XMODEL_BIN^1Couldnotloadmesh'_black_ops_4\characters\c_misty\test.XMODEL_BIN' for xmodel 'c_t8_zmb_misty_fullbody'xmodel:c_t8_zmb_misty_fullbodyplayerbodystyle:pbt_zm_misty_bodyplayerbodytype:pbt_mistycustomizationtable:zm_character_customizationcsv:zone_source/
Getting an error when linking my map
ERROR:Couldnotfindxmodelfile:_black_ops_4\characters\c_misty\test.XMODEL_BIN^1Couldnotloadmesh'_black_ops_4\characters\c_misty\test.XMODEL_BIN' for xmodel 'c_t8_zmb_misty_fullbody'xmodel:c_t8_zmb_misty_fullbodyplayerbodystyle:pbt_zm_misty_bodyplayerbodytype:pbt_mistycustomizationtable:zm_character_customizationcsv:zone_source/
I uploaded the correct file, read the whole post again.
what do you mean by override the assets themselves I do not understand. and what do I do with misty fix? do I override misty with it or do I put it in a specific place PLZ reply
what do you mean by override the assets themselves I do not understand. and what do I do with misty fix? do I override misty with it or do I put it in a specific place PLZ reply
Just download the misty fix and replace the model
Just download the misty fix and replace the model
I know that. but what did you mean by override the assets themselves. something about the game crashing it said in the instructions
Victis crew. voxs maybe
voxs pls 💓
MKD Joker:
voxs pls 💓
im working on doing voxs for my map but they're going to be a mixture of tranzit die rise and buried if your okay with that