Game Modding | Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 | Scripting
Hello I post here to find hope after many attempts.
First of all, here's what I've done.
Verification of mod tool, basic files, no script was modified, test on several maps, redo the zones, remove all the scripts finally everything.
Problem: From zone 2 the zombies don't see players 2,3,4 anymore, we don't know why ifplayer 1 dies then the zombies see players 2,3,4 again and if player 1 reappears then it becomes only player 1 again. ((if we go back to zone 1 he won't see players 2,3,4 anymore) ) if you want to see :
If we open zone 2 the zombies see us more ok, but if before opening zone 2 a zombie is on zone 1 and once we open zone 2 the zombie will detect the players, otherwise after he is dead the other zombies won't see the players anymore.
(This problem occured during an update on my first map I made, since then on every map I have this problem)
We tested everything, and I also talked to one person for 2.5 hours and a half about this problem. I tested, toredo my zones, remove all the scripts, and also to put the basic spawner,I checked all the files to see if there was not an error and it does nothing. test in split screen and co-op. We traced the error since its origin, no beha file has been modified and also in the actor nothing at all, in APE no ERROR, There are no script errors, no path errors in the logs, it's going well.