Modme Forums

How to make zombies walk in stairs??

Game Modding | Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 | Radiant


Thread By: hubigygjjik

Heey im making a new map of a house and it has 2 floors. I put the stairs. I runned the game and when im stand on the stairs zombie cant pass and they stay bugged, any helpp?


Reply By: m1cke

Well when i made my 2nd ever map "SkyScraper Off Hell" i had stairs trough the entire map i had that problem once and i think it was caused by the top brush wasen't far up enough.


Reply By: Dan9977

make sure there isnt any gaps between the steps and that each individual step isnt too high


Reply By: Stonermagoo420
YOU NEED TO lay out a monster clip texture incline underneath the stairs and try to make them as accessible for zombies as you can too


Reply By: soul-toktzt
You could add a monster clip like diagonally. So they just walk up a "hill" instead of using the actual stairs. (Couldn't find the right word for it xD)