Game Modding | Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 | Scripting
I installed Harry's soul boxes from the ModMe wiki, and I've done the steps many, MANY times but im still getting this issue:
^1SCRIPT ERROR: No generated data for 'scripts/zm/_zm_soul_chests.gsc'
ERR(6E) scripts/zm/_zm_soul_chests.gsc (660,1) : Compiler Internal Error : Unresolved external 'zm_harrybo21_utility::harrybo21_spawn_trigger_radius_use'
Linker will now terminate.
I dont know whats causing this. Like I have said, I installed everything correctly but for some reason it wont work. If anyone knows a solution feel free to tell me.
Don't bother using Harry's stuff his taken alot of his posts down use the other one instead look in the releases section