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Low Gravity script

Game Modding | Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 | Scripting


This must be added to YOURMAPNAME.gsc
Steam\steamapps\common\Call of Duty Black Ops III\usermaps\YOURMAPNAMEHERE

Step 1.
put this line in your------> function main() <-------
thread Gravitychange();

step 2.
put the following at the bottom of your script

function Gravitychange()
grav = GetEnt("Low","targetname");
player = getplayers();
grav SetHintString("we all float down here gorgey"); <---- this is the text that shows up when you are near the trigger, you can change i was just dicking around
grav SetCursorHint("HINT_NOICON");
grav waittill("trigger", player);

player SetPerk("specialty_lowgravity");
player SetJumpHeight( 300 );
wait 40;
player UnSetPerk("specialty_lowgravity");
player SetJumpHeight( 30 );
wait 1;

Step 3.

Place a trigger use or trigger multi in radiant
give it the targetname ----------> Low <-----------

you're done.
you can play around with this a bit the current set up will set the low gravity on for all players for 40 seconds lets change it to be enabled until another trigger is touched

function Gravitychange()
jackoff = GetEnt("spankit","targetname");
jackoff SetHintString(""); // this now shows no text becuase we dont wanna tell the player whats happening (can remove line
jackoff SetCursorHint("HINT_NOICON"); // no icon this just removes the hand icon which we dont even need for this setup

grav = GetEnt("Low","targetname");
grav SetHintString(""); // this now shows no text becuase we dont wanna tell the player whats happening (can remove line
grav SetCursorHint("HINT_NOICON"); // no icon this just removes the hand icon which we dont even need for this setup
player = getplayers();
grav waittill("trigger", player);

player SetPerk("specialty_lowgravity");
player SetJumpHeight( 300 );

jackoff waittill("trigger",player);
player UnSetPerk("specialty_lowgravity");
player SetJumpHeight( 30 );
wait 1;

This setup should be used with the multi-trigger in radiant simply put the trigger on in the area you want low gravity and the off around it.
you can change the target name to whatever you want you could also add a sound like this

player playsound("soundgoeshere");
or grav playsound(soundgoeshere"); //this will play the sound at the trigger called grav

If you only want one player to be affected which basically means if this player is touching set the grav off for this player then remove
player = getplayers(); //now players have to touch to jackit or in this case, set gravity on/off

feel free to play around with the jump height as well

player SetJumpHeight( 900 ); dont recommend but your map your rules haha

player SetJumpHeight( 100 ); 200 37 whatever just have fun

thanks to spiki for pointing out the specialty function used by 3arch


suppose you wanted something to trigger it like in dlc1
then just have something like this

blahhhhh = getent("bluuuuuud","targetname");
blahhhhh waittill("trigger",player);
while PlayerIsTouching (cough himself cough);
blahhhhh MoveZ("25,2");

blahhhhh1 = getent("bluuuuuud1","targetname");
blahhhhh1 waittill("trigger",player);
while PlayerIsTouching (cough himself cough);
blahhhhh1 MoveZ("25,2");

untested of course but if you read some scripts you'll know what I mean
dunno how to change the screen effects I do know you need to mess with lui
or a pgb box or something


The MoveZ would be the script model or script brush it moves on the z-axis which is up or down you'd put a trigger above it and give it the target name bluuuuud cause that's what I called it you call it whatever doesn't matter.


if you know,.. u wanna move it on these axises