Game Modding | Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 | Scripting
I could use some help!
I placed the attackable in my map and followed all other instructions. I get this error while compiling and linking:
^1SCRIPT ERROR: No generated data for 'scripts/zm/symbo_harrybo_attackable.gsc'
ERR(0) scripts/zm/symbo_harrybo_attackable.gsc (156,34) in "__init__()" : syntax error, unexpected TOKEN_EQUALS, expecting TOKEN_LEFT_PAREN : spawn_extra_zomb =
Linker will now terminate.
Hello ! Hope your still working on your map. I have the Fix for your problem.
#1 - Navigate in your "mapname" folder then go in "scripts" > "zm" and open "symbo_harrybo_attackable.gsc" with notepad( Be sure to open the .GSC and NOT the .GSH )
#2 - Search for the line "spawn_extra_zomb = struct_attackable.script_friendname;" ( Without Quotes ) by pressing CTRL + F
( If your using NotePad ++ or SublimeText you reach the line 156 )
You now see these lines ( Line 156 + 157 )
spawn_extra_zomb = struct_attackable.script_friendname;
#3 - Add at the end of the first line one )
So now instead of this
You have this
#4 - Save and compile