Modme Forums

Change the Pack-A-Punch machine to different model.

Game Modding | Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 | Radiant


Thread By: CaptainHT

I have been building a map, and I wanted the Pap machine to be the Origins Pap machine, i have the model and the zbarriers set, but the origins pap machine in the map won't work. :(

How do I fix this?


Reply By: Lethal Peelz


I have been building a map, and I wanted the Pap machine to be the Origins Pap machine, i have the model and the zbarriers set, but the origins pap machine in the map won't work. :(

How do I fix this?

How does it not work? is it the animations that dont play or the model that dont change?


Reply By: akagraffiti

You can't do the origins pap machine unless u make your own custom anims for it, but the de pap machine is the origins pap. IDK they both should work. Me personally i have custom anims.