Game Modding | Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 | Radiant
I've had this question for a while and I'm curious if its doable or not. I've always wanted to make zombies versions of the BO1 campaign and multiplayer maps, is there ANY WAY to MASS rip and convert entire maps, xmodels, textures, geo and all and port the map into radiant to work on? I want to make zombies versions of the maps and I want them to be 1000000% SPOT ON size wise which is why I'm asking about ripping them, I don't think I've got the skill (or the patience!) to completely remake entire maps wall for wall just yet lol. I don't care how much time or work it takes, if its doable I want to do it. Any help would be appreciated! Thanks! (I'm actually not sure if I'm posting this in the right forum, if not mods please move it!)
Husky by scobalula
Husky by scobalula
I actually have Husky, how much does it actually rip? It's been a while since I've used it, if I remember correctly it just rips GEO right? I just don't wanna have to convert xmodels, textures and all individually lol. I tried using Husky to rip WMD from BO1 a while ago and I got enough to actually see the map in Maya, I saw someone saying that in order to make the maps so that you can use them in radiant, you have to convert them to xmodels? I have found so little on this specific topic online that I feel like I really have no knowledge of how to go about doing it even if I have the tools right in front of me lol.
I have used geo rip from the cod map kharkov back in the WAW mapping days and like Rage says all triangles are useless so I had to redo them takes ages and in my case it took more then 9 months..
This is with redoing textures and models as well...
Thanks guys for your replies and help lol. I still want to do it, It seems like an awesome opportunity to make some super badass maps. With how much work would go into a single map just to get it where I want it (scripting, models, geo, textures ETC), I think it would honestly be a good idea to choose one map and rock with it thru till the end and take the 9+ months to make it spectacular. Thanks again for all the help, I'm gonna see about starting this gargantuan task soon!