Modme Forums

Max Ammo Fills Magazine - Cold War Style Max Ammo

Game Modding | Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 | Scripting


Fills magazine with max ammo as well like in Cold War/BO4 without adding more mess to you map.gsc.
Copy _zm_powerup_full_ammo.gsc from your raw\scripts\zm folder into your map's scripts\zm folder. Open it and near the bottom of the file you will see

players[i] GiveMaxAmmo( primary_weapons[x] );
Directly after that line add
players[i] SetWeaponAmmoClip( primary_weapons[x], 999 );
So it will look like this...
if ( players[i] HasWeapon( primary_weapons[x] ) )
                players[i] GiveMaxAmmo( primary_weapons[x] );
                players[i] SetWeaponAmmoClip( primary_weapons[x], 999 );
Don't forget to add to your zone file.
Link the map and you're done.

Example video


Or just use a function instead of modifying a whole script


Or just use a function instead of modifying a whole script

Adding 1 line to a script is hardly "modifying a whole script". Thanks for your input though. Both are very easy to do.
On a side note, BO4 was a trash game and I did not play it. I just found out this morning that BO4 max ammo behaved this way as well.