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I Figured Out How to Buff the Wunderwaffe DG-2

Game Modding | Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 | Scripting


So I don't know if anyone else has posted this, but I finally found out how to make the Wunderwaffe a wonder weapon comparable to the other more powerful ones.

Step 1:
To buff the Wunderwaffe you need to copy and paste two GSC scripts from your raw folder (Steam/steamapps/common/CallofDutyBlackOpsIII/share/raw/scripts/zm)
into your custom map folder.
These files are: _zm_weap_tesla.gsc & _zm_lightning_chain.gsc

Step 2:
Once you've copied the script files over, you need to edit some values within them.
Starting with _zm_weap_tesla.gsc
Find this in the script

zombie_utility::set_zombie_var( "tesla_max_arcs",            5 );
    zombie_utility::set_zombie_var( "tesla_max_enemies_killed", 10 );
    zombie_utility::set_zombie_var( "tesla_radius_start",        200 );
    zombie_utility::set_zombie_var( "tesla_radius_decay",        20 );
    zombie_utility::set_zombie_var( "tesla_head_gib_chance",    75 );
    zombie_utility::set_zombie_var( "tesla_arc_travel_time",    0.11, true );
    zombie_utility::set_zombie_var( "tesla_kills_for_powerup",    10 );
    zombie_utility::set_zombie_var( "tesla_min_fx_distance",    128 );
    zombie_utility::set_zombie_var( "tesla_network_death_choke",4 );

All you want to do is change the numbers on the right. I have been testing different values and determined that a reasonable buff is this
zombie_utility::set_zombie_var( "tesla_max_arcs",            24 );
    zombie_utility::set_zombie_var( "tesla_max_enemies_killed", 24 );
    zombie_utility::set_zombie_var( "tesla_radius_start",        300 );
    zombie_utility::set_zombie_var( "tesla_radius_decay",        5 );
    zombie_utility::set_zombie_var( "tesla_head_gib_chance",    75 );
    zombie_utility::set_zombie_var( "tesla_arc_travel_time",    0.11, true );
    zombie_utility::set_zombie_var( "tesla_kills_for_powerup",    20 );
    zombie_utility::set_zombie_var( "tesla_min_fx_distance",    128 );
    zombie_utility::set_zombie_var( "tesla_network_death_choke",4 );

Next is _zm_lightning_chain
Find this in the script
function create_lightning_chain_params(
                max_arcs = 5,
                max_enemies_killed = 10,
                radius_start = 200,
                radius_decay = 20,
                head_gib_chance = 75,
                arc_travel_time = 0.11,
                kills_for_powerup = 10,
                min_fx_distance = 128,
                network_death_choke = 4,
                should_kill_enemies = true,
                clientside_fx = true,
                arc_fx_sound = undefined,
                no_fx = false,
                prevent_weapon_kill_credit = false
Then change the values to the exact same ones you used in the last scripts.

Step 3:
Next you need to go into your maps GSC file (usermaps/yourmapname/scripts/zm/yourmapname.gsc)
and add these lines
#using scripts\zm\_zm_weap_tesla;
#using scripts\zm\_zm_lightning_chain;

Feel free to change the values and decide how powerful to make your wunderwaffe!

Here is some extra info:
tesla_max_enemies_killed is self explanatory. It determines the number of zombies killed. Although through testing, this increase is not enough, as I had to also increase the radius and decrease the radius decay values respectively. This prevents the lighting from fizzling out before killing more zombies. Also, even with a radius decay of 0, it still seems to max out at killing 19-20 zombies.
Also, I increased the radius to 400 and decay to 0 making the waffe chain across my whole map as long as it did not break line of sight with a zombie. So anything above that is really unnecessary. I do not know how high or low you can make the values before it crashes your map, or if it even will.


Now if only I could do this with Deadshot...