Game Modding | Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 | Scripting
If I play SOLO my map crashes on round 41. If I play with another player it crashes on round 36. If I play with 3 people my map crashes on round 34. And we tried with 4 players and it crashes on round 32. We tried different hosts and everytime it crashes for the host and the other players receive "connection interrupted".
Things I have in my map: Giant voice pack, Harry's Panzers, Harry's perks, BO2 weapons, craftable shield and custom music.
Guys I don't need a definitive answer to my problem (well actually I do) but maybe one of your suggestions might be a correct asnwer. Now if the problem is high rounds, maybe its a spawner problem with the zombies? But I don't wanna change anything soo I don't fu*k it up even more lol. A spawner should have a zombie count to 9999 right? And only 1 is enough for all the spawns right? Or did I mess something up. I think its probably that but I got no idea. Also on other maps I can go as high as I want I think, I went Kino to 62 rounds with a friend and it didn't crash. Also Verrukt 45. Soo I guess its just my map :/
Oh well I'll count the crash as the ending lmao....
Congratulations you made it to the 36th round now you win a HARD CRASH TO DESKTOP
Also I got 38 zones... Well more like 44 if you count connecting zones that don't have a flag to each other.
Is one spawner (actor) enough for the entire map? I only got risers and their spawn points. And it all works perfectly, but it crashes on high rounds idk why.
Things I have in my map: Giant voice pack, Harry's Panzers, Harry's perks, BO2 weapons, craftable shield and custom music.
remove 1 thing at a time and see if it crashes
My friend played SOLO and made it to round 51 and then it crashed
I'm lost
I have tried 3 times already with timescale set at 4x. And everytime it crashes SOLO on round 42 with 3k zombie kills. Even without the timescale it still crashes at 3k kills in round 42. Has anyone ever experienced something like this?
It actually freezes the whole game not really crashes it to desktop. But why when playing coop it only freezes the host, and the other players get "connection interrupted". Is there a way to see an error log of this or?
Run it with /developer 1 or 2 and /logfile 1
Did you try removing the addons?
Noone can help you because it could be a million different things. You have to remove things one by one and see
Run it with /developer 1 or 2 and /logfile 1
Did you try removing the addons?
Noone can help you because it could be a million different things. You have to remove things one by one and see
This is an error that shows up. Note this is an earlier version of the map that I uploaded a month ago that features only harrybo21 perks. But I do not think its the perks fault.
Is this the file that is causing the problem? What is it though? Or the one below it? I think its the CSC file. I have tried with my newest version of the map and it doesn't take me to the menu it still freezes the game. I type in /logfile 1 and then what? Is there a new folder that has been created in the game files or? Also thank you Spiki for helping me :)
My friend just tested it with the log file and got this
client script error
exceeded maximum number of child client script variable
Terminal script error
Everything after /quit is not necessary to read because I just quit the game.
This is the problem 100%
cant access this.
compress the txt in bo3 folder/mods/mapname and upload it directly here.
The only thing i can think of that uses duplicaterender are the whoswho and vultureaid perk.
Try commenting it out and try the high round again
I deleted all the perks now it no longer crashes, gotten to round 56 and still no crash. Thank you SPIKI you truly are a great person
Can I ask you what perks do you use in your maps?
Hmmm, maybe I just had to delete who's who. But when I delete Who's who files I get an error in the linker. How do I remove it without deleting all the perks?
in the whoswho gsh
set to 0
same with vultureaid