Modme Forums

another shitty problem

Game Modding | Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 | Radiant


Thread By: Ahmed02354
So my map does not wanna ''Run'' anymore, meaning that when I wanna test it, it does not load the map, out of nowhere. I can put (as example) /fast_restart or /''anything else'' but it is just a black screen.
Restarted my PC and still...

In radiant its there, I compile the map and no (big) errors disturbing the compiling process. Compiling is done after few seconds/minutes. but does not wanna load up (the map)

I just loaded my map an hour ago it worked normally... Whats the point?


Reply By: easyskanka
what have you done to the map since it last loaded? best to carefully backtrack what you have done until you find out what is causing the issue


Reply By: Dan9977

what have you done to the map since it last loaded? best to carefully backtrack what you have done until you find out what is causing the issue

have you added any scripts?


Reply By: Ahmed02354

easyskanka what have you done to the map since it last loaded? best to carefully backtrack what you have done until you find out what is causing the issue have you added any scripts?

Yes I did, it was the keycard script from uptownpap25 but I tested it after I scripted that about 4 times the map worked normally.. And now it just doesn't wanna load


Reply By: Ahmed02354

what have you done to the map since it last loaded? best to carefully backtrack what you have done until you find out what is causing the issue

how do I do this


Reply By: easyskanka
try removing uptowns keycards and anything you may have done to your GSC scriptwise and see if your map will run again, it may have been something you did while installing his scripts


Reply By: Ahmed02354

try removing uptowns keycards and anything you may have done to your GSC scriptwise and see if your map will run again, it may have been something you did while installing his scripts

I placed a different autosave and it works now... Im confused what didnt want to launch my map...
Also it was not the script... really strange