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Attach a Light/FX to a dynamic ent?

Game Modding | Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 | Scripting


I'm sure everyone remembers the hanging lamp in verruckt that you could spam nades at for a funny laugh as it spazzed out. I wanted to bring them back.

I figured out how to add a rope and attach a dyanmic model(I didn't test a script_model, but regular models didn't react when shot, no physics).
The only problem is no matter what I do I cant get a light or fx to attach to the dynamic entity and move with it.

I spawned an fx with spawnfxondynent and that worked, but it only spawns it at the origin of the dynent and doesn't attach it. It had to be done in csc because that function didn't work with gsc, nor did getent since it was a dynamic ent.
I tried using linkto and that didn't help at all, which I figured would be the case.

I went as far as attaching the light/fx straight to the end of the rope instead of a model, and it still wouldn't move.
Are there "dynamic lights" that behave similar to other dynamic ents? I couldn't find them but I wouldn't be shocked haha.

I noticed SOMEHOW treyarch uses playfxontag in a csc sctipt. However when I try it the game crashes every time. I even included every script that was in the file using playfxontag, and replicated the way they had it scripted, no luck. I should state I have about 10 minutes of experience with csc, so please don't crucify me if it is easy to do.

Then my thought was "well I'll just see how they did it in the remaaster!" Yeah... they didn't do it... They are just normal hanging lights now. Which led me to think they just couldn't be bothered to add it.
If anyone could point me in the right direction I'd be very grateful. Thanks for reading!

So I found a method using what they did from waw with physicslaunch. Unfortunately I can't chain launches at the moment. I'll continue messing with it, but I got what I needed for now