Game Modding | Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 | Scripting
I checked everywhere online but I just can't seem to find one.
Maybe experienced modders share some kind of an ancient codex that contains such list?
On a more serious note, after checking in the docs provided by Treyarch and dozens of google searches, I couldn't find any resource that contains a list of all the events that trigger waittill() and endon(). Can anyone point me to the right place? Or could it be that such a resource doesn't exist and I should look for them in the official GSC scripts written by the devs?
Thanks in advance.
There isn't a set list.
A notify will trip a waittill or endon
for example
level notify("test", param 1, param 2);
will trip
level endon("test");
level waittill("test", param 1, param 2);
You can replace level with an entity.
If you want to see treyarchs notifies, you need to look in the gscs.
If you want to find a word / notify quickly, compress in ".RAR" the folder "scripts".
Call of Duty Black Ops III\share\raw\scripts