Game Modding | Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 | Scripting
Howdy! As the title suggests, I want the Banshee to have the same electric attack as the Wunderwaffe, but I'm not very experienced when it comes to things in this area.
If someone would be so kind to teach me these steps, that would be absolutely amazing! My discord is DasKuchenMann#9873
level.weaponZMTeslaGun = GetWeapon( "whatever banshii is" );
level.weaponZMTeslaGunUpgraded = GetWeapon( "whatever banshee is _upgraded" );
source scripts/zm/_zm_weap_tesla.gsc
level.weaponZMTeslaGun = GetWeapon( "whatever banshii is" );
level.weaponZMTeslaGunUpgraded = GetWeapon( "whatever banshee is _upgraded" );
source scripts/zm/_zm_weap_tesla.gsc