Game Modding | Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 | General Discussion
This is the delay for the Powerup Spawns that was first added in BO4 and is also in Cold War. Probably one of the best quality of life features that was introduced in the former.
Instructions are in the Download.
nice job
its not working i am not getting the particle delay animation i redid the scripts and etc over and over again and it still wont work right
its not working i am not getting the particle delay animation i redid the scripts and etc over and over again and it still wont work right
its not working i am not getting the particle delay animation i redid the scripts and etc over and over again and it still wont work right
Hmm, I don't know, it should work. Does it play the sounds?
yeah it looks like its a hit or miss for me firesale did the delay a few times but the others looked they might but there is no delay so is there a delay timer in the gsc or csc
I just tried it out, and it worked perfectly. Did you comment out(use the "//") on the powerup scripts in the patch zone file?
I figured I'd test it to see if it worked and I am so glad I did. Thank you so much for sharing that you can override stock scripts by removing them from the patch. I had no clue! You are a life saver.
The quotes aren't supposed to be there, I just put them to differentiate what you should use.
So are you saying when you are beside a powerup it will still sometimes spawn with no delay?
When I first tested it it was only with custom powerups, so I just tried the normal drops. It still worked flawlessly.
Even when 3 drops dropped at once(I increased the drop rate), they all did the delay properly.
The spawn delay only happens when you are close to the drop when it tries to spawn. I'm sure if you want to increase that distance they will chime in and let you know what to change.
I'm sure he added some kind of distance check to see if players are near the powerup origin before spawning the powerup.
I didn't look at their script, so that's just my guess.
Edit so with further testing I did notice the "prespawn" fx sometimes doesn't play. Is that what you were talking about? Not the actual drop delay?
The quotes aren't supposed to be there, I just put them to differentiate what you should use.
So are you saying when you are beside a powerup it will still sometimes spawn with no delay?
When I first tested it it was only with custom powerups, so I just tried the normal drops. It still worked flawlessly.
Even when 3 drops dropped at once(I increased the drop rate), they all did the delay properly.
The spawn delay only happens when you are close to the drop when it tries to spawn. I'm sure if you want to increase that distance they will chime in and let you know what to change.
I'm sure he added some kind of distance check to see if players are near the powerup origin before spawning the powerup.
I didn't look at their script, so that's just my guess.
well i tested it out and gathered a bunch of zombies and went far away from them but not that far and it still wont work
Sorry I'm confused. You went far away from them? They powerup spawn delay only happens when you are close to the zombie that drops the powerup.
I think I might've misinterpreted your issue from the start.
Updated to V1.1
- Addressed an issue that prevented the Powerup Intro FX from playing. The FX is now handled in CSC instead of GSC so this should no longer be an issue.