Modme Forums

Different Character Vox

Game Modding | Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 | Scripting


How hard is it to set up character quotes from a map other than the usual DE? I have powerup ammo and box quotes working and a few others, just because they work with the DE csv template, but don't know how to link up any of the other stuff. What am I looking at here? How do I know what to put in that csv to have it use all the other quotes?


so its pretty confusing when youre new to that stuff, however there are 2 files you want to be looking at for that: the one inside root/gamedata/audio/zm/zm_vox_de or whatever, and the one in root/share/raw/sound/aliases/zm_vox_de_alias or whatever it is.

if you want to use different maps vox, you have to export those 2 files Hydra, and export all the sounds themselves with wraith.

after youve done that make sure your map is looking for those files instead of the DE files (so thatll be defined in your map's gsc with zm_audio::loadPlayerVoiceCategories("gamedata/audio/zm/zm_castle_vox.csv");
and in your zone to define the gamedata/audio file with stringtable,gamedata/audio/zm/zm_castle_vox.csv)

let me know if you have any questions or whatever, hmu on discord


Add me plz Wakaveli_#3024