Game Modding | Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 | Scripting
So I setup a working bus to take players across the map using a vehicle entity and vehicle nodes. Although it works great, about 1 out of 5 times riding it the physics seem to get really messed up, as if its hitting something. I've made sure its on perfectly flat brushes, not even using terrain patches. This is the code I'm using for the vehicle:
/////move the starbase shuttle
function move_vehicle()
level flag::wait_till( "initial_blackscreen_passed" );
level.vh_bus = GetEnt( "starbase_taxi", "targetname" ); = 99999;
level.vh_bus SetMovingPlatformEnabled(1);
level.vh_bus SetVehMaxSpeed( 25 );
n_path_start = GetVehicleNode( "starbase_taxi_start", "targetname" );
level.vh_bus AttachPath( n_path_start );
level.vh_bus StartPath();
level.vh_bus SetSpeedImmediate( 4 );
It will randomly fly up into the air about 20 feets and drop back down, or the back end of the vehicle will pop up. It always ends up going back down and following the nodes. Anyone know anything about vehicles and setting them up in APE? I have a collision map on the vehicle as well and it is not touching the ground ever so I dont think thats the issue? Not sure what all the settings in APE do exactly any help is appreciated!
uncheck "physics vehicle" in ape
uncheck "physics vehicle" in ape