Game Modding | Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 | Scripting
How can i give a weapon instantly, without play the animations ( "pull in " and "pull out" )?
prob giveweapon() then
<player> SwitchToWeaponImmediate([weapon object])
Im using this with the minigun powerup, but where i need to put this?
zm_powerups::weapon_powerup( ent_player, time, "minigun", true );
ent_player SwitchToWeaponImmediate( level.zombie_powerup_weapon[ "minigun" ] );
// give player the powerup weapon
ent_player GiveWeapon( level.zombie_powerup_weapon[ str_weapon ] );
ent_player SwitchToWeaponImmediate( level.zombie_powerup_weapon[ str_weapon ] );
Harry Bo21:
Immediate doesn’t work believe me
You can’t skip raises
That function is from bo2 and doesn’t work like the api said, think it’s only for swapping to alt weapons or something
Harry Bo21:
On waw I did the shield by literally leaving “empty” pullout and put away empty and taking the ammo instantly
Dont exist some "DVAR" to increase the speed for "swapping or switching" weapons?
Percentage of weapon switching rate to use