^1ERROR: Some textures are the wrong type for creating fx combo texture used in the compute sprite and decal rendering
Linker will now terminate.
******************************************************************************** has anyone seen it before? I've peeked through all the materials and can't find anything out of the ordinary. it was originally right after 'c_zom_dlc4_apothicon_fury_dissolve' in the first error in the linker, but in subsequent links it's just been under the usual weapon camo errors. Thanks in advance!
Harry Bo21:
You are missing materials
Download my fx pack from devraw
So i downloaded and installed them last night. I thought I had them, but I guess I didn't or I had an older version. But the error persists :( Same error as before 'fx combo texture' something or other.. i also found this up above the usual weapon camo error. Unsure if it's related but anything that can help at this point :/
^1Unable to open xcam file C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Call of Duty Black Ops III\xanim_export\black_ops_3\xcams\ui_cam_cac_equip_shockcharge.xcam_export for xcam ui_cam_cac_equip_shockcharge.
^1ERROR: 'veh_parasite' is not a value vehiclesounddef asset
Thanks for everything you do for the community Harry! you the real MVP
Harry Bo21:
Drag the fx folders back from the other assets
As for your other errors they won’t stop linker, just a missing image and xcam